How a guy from abroad became a Russian movie star and died at the peak of his career – August 4, 2024

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Actor Yuri Stepanov passed away at the peak of his career. Source: screenshot from the series “Citizen Leader” Yuri Stepanov became famous mainly as a TV series actor. Many remember his characters in “Citizen Chief” (18+), “Penal Battalion” (16+). Films with the actor’s participation are also impossible to forget: “Cargo 200” (18+), “Zhmurki” (18+), “Diary of His Wife” (18+), “Walk” (18+), “Wild Field” (16+). IRCITY.RU tells the story of how a simple guy from abroad became one of the most famous film researchers in the 2000s, but his career was cut short when “Have You Calmed Down? Now Get to Work” took off. Yuri Stepanov was born in the village of Rysevo near Irkutsk. He called his mom and dad “parents with a capital letter.” Konstantin Nikolaevich was the director of a state farm, an honored worker of agriculture of the RSFSR. For his labor merits, the head of the family was even awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Mother, Raisa Mikhailovna, worked at school: she was a biology teacher and led a club dedicated to the same subject. The actor grew up in a large family and in a village, which means you have to be able to do everything: dig a garden, look after livestock, pick mushrooms and berries, engage in cattle breeding, fishing and hunting. Already in the ninth grade, Yuri once got a serious trophy in the forest – he shot an elk. During the holidays, the father regularly gave his son a part-time job – Stepanov Jr. managed to work as a bricklayer and carpenter. But the boy chose a different path. In the neighboring village of Tayturka, she met with the heads of the House of Culture, Anatoly and Lyudmila Absandlev. He was the director and at the same time headed the boxing department, and she was the artistic director and headed the dance club. Yuri danced with Lyudmila Nikolaevna and traveled with performances to the surrounding towns and villages. It was she who prepared him for admission to the Irkutsk Theatre School (the actor graduated from this university with honors in 1984 – when I became a student at the theatre school, my father said: “Okay, study). I will help you with money.” But then I graduated with honors, my father asked: “Is that all?” Reassured him? Now I am studying seriously.” “I decided to go to Moscow,” Stepanov said in an interview Yuri Stepanov in his youth Source: “Stories about people” / YouTube In the capital, I entered GITIS, my mentor was the famous director Pyotr Fomenko. Stepanov owes him many successes on stage. He was one of the graduates who formed the first troupe of Fomenko’s theatre workshop, which opened in 1993. Stepanov soon became the main actor there and served until his death during his years of study at GITIS. Yuri acquired the role of a comedian: he had a penchant for improvisation and practical jokes. His charming face and slightly plump figure allowed him to create the image of a good-natured clown. At the same time, Stepanov easily turned into him. lyrical, mercilessly ironic and sometimes even cruel character “Now you are taken by taxi for free. Stepanov shot his film under the guidance of his theater mentor Pyotr Fomenko. Then there was a small role: he played the Gazprom official Gerasim.” in the film “Eagle and Tails” (18+) by Georgy Danelia. But the first major roles came to Stepanov at the turn of the century. One of Stepanov’s first roles was in the film by Georgy Danelia. , although this is an integral part of the creative life of any artist. And it so happened that he did not audition for one of the most famous roles at all. Director Nikolao Dostal approved of him as soon as he saw him. For the role of prosecutor’s investigator Pavel Pafnutiev, the main character of the series “Citizen Leader”, Nikolai Dostal and I worked at night because there was no time to discuss the role during filming. In the evening, they sat down, came up with their options, then reduced them to one general concept, and in the morning, prepared, they came to the set. Today, this rarely happens … Nikolao Dostal is a wonderful person, a teacher, who during filming taught me another profession – to be a director. There were no discounts due to the fact that this is a series and you can make a mistake here,” Stepanov said. Many viewers fell in love with the kind and honest investigator Pasha Pafnutiev, the hero of the series “Citizen Chief”. : screenshot of the series “Citizen Chief” The citizen chief who appeared in the series is not an ordinary policeman who regularly chases and shoots criminals left and right. He is rather a slightly awkward but honest investigator who, despite his apparent beauty, will go to the end to achieve justice. Pafnutyev worked more with his head than with his muscles and weapons – and many viewers, judging by the reviews, were attracted by this – The fame I received after this series is sometimes simply off the scale. And I’m still trying to decide how to react to this. On the one hand, I want to close myself off, but on the other hand, you filmed for people. By the way, they often take me by taxi. They don’t take money, they even get offended. “Well, here we go,” the actor recalls. It’s time to include in the Red Book the person you are about to play, Yuri Stepanov, an actor of theater and cinema. Another iconic role of Stepanov is the former thief Antip Glymov in the series “Punitive Battalion”. As in the case of “Citizen Chief”, the film was shot by Nikolai Dostal “My hero lives an autonomous life – it is clear that.” it is impetuous, it has its own romanticism, but this romance should be closed to the public. this is all we do now, that we propagate all this criminal “miracle”. And we forget that we are a criminal country! [Антип Глымов] He does not run away from the battlefield, does not hide, he fights. My Glymov has no prototypes. “But in general, I was interested in what my hero is capable of and what he is not,” Stepanov said when a priest came to the set for a short consultation during filming. In a conversation with the group, the priest mentioned: the souls of people, like good guardians, did not find peace, because there was no one to mourn them. After this, according to Stepanov, he only became more confident that working on this film was the right decision, Stepanov considered the role of Antip Glymov in “Penal Battalion” one of the most important in his career in the series “Penal Battalion”. “The actor has repeatedly admitted that he perceived work in cinema as income. And if there was a choice between acting on stage or filming in another film or series, he would definitely choose the first option and after the main roles – in “Citizen Leader”, “Penal Battalion” and “Stiletto” (16+). ) — Stepanov said that he was tired of the profession “Every day it becomes more and more difficult for me to enter the creative process. But now I justify this by the fact that I am already making plans for the future, slightly different from my acting ones.” gift. Even as a child I could not dig potatoes, because it is monotonous work, I can not pick berries, mushrooms – monotony infuriates me, and now even in the profession I do not like the variety of roles at all! , because I understand that no matter how I twist and turn, this is still a constant situation and repetitions are inevitable. It’s like a computer game … “- said the actor in 2004. The acting profession is a kind of sacrifice. You have to put everything. survive, think, suffer and after all this return to the family as a normal person Yuri Stepanov, theater and film actor But after that there were another six fruitful years. Stepanov managed to play in Zhmurki, First After God (18+), Cargo 200, Dostoevsky (18+). He did not forget about the theater either, because Pyotr Fomenko called out: “I bless you, old man, but I ask you: just do not leave the theater. The son followed in the footsteps of his father Yuri Stepanov.” Irina Sorokina in the theater. The love story is not quite typical for the acting environment. His wife’s profession is a cutter-tailor, she worked as a fashion designer and costume designer in the theater where Stepanov worked in 1994: Yuri played the role of the Hunchback in the play based on the dramatic work by Marina Tsvetaeva. (16+), and Irina prepared costumes for the actors. Their acquaintance grew into friendship, friendship into a relationship. The couple got married in 1997, after the birth of their first child, Konstantin. He was born on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23. “I joked that I would get married for the sake of registration, and she replied that she would register her husband at her place,” Stepanov said in her marriage to Dmitry, this happened in 2007. Four years later, it became known that the couple would have another child. But Yuri Stepanov did not live to see his birth. On the night of March 3, 2010, the actor, exhausted by the performance on the stage of the Pyotr Fomenko Theater Studio (that day, the audience was presented with the play “Three Sisters”. 16). +), went to leave home. At the intersection of Lyublinskaya and Shkuleva Streets, a Mazda drove into the “Zhiguli” where Stepanov was. From the impact, the car with the actor flew into the oncoming lane, where he collided with the “Lada”. The impact fell on the place where Yuri was. Unfortunately, he did not survive this accident. The farewell to the actor took place at the Pyotr Fomenko Theater. Colleagues came to say goodbye – artists Tagir Rakhimov, Aleksey Serebryakov, Yevgeny Stychkin, Roman Madyanov, Oleg Lyubimov. Director Nikolay Dostal, who shot several star films for Stepanov, called him “a true friend, comrade, person, a wonderful artist and person.” Politicians also came to see the actor for the last time, including the leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Footage from the scene of the accident Source: YouTube His wife, Irina Sorokina, had a hard time surviving the tragedy. She said that in the first days after her husband’s death, she cried constantly and could not believe that such an absurd and unfair death had happened. But she had to be strong: the couple had two sons, and a third was on the way. He was born a few weeks after Stepanov’s death. At first, the couple wanted to name their third child Stepan, but then Irina Sorokina decided to name her son Yuri – in honor of his father. The youngest son was named in honor of his father – Yuri Stepanov. And he decided to continue the acting dynasty Source: screenshot of the film “Chuk and Gek. The Big Adventure” Outwardly, the younger Stepanov is very similar to his father. And already at a fairly young age, the boy followed in his parents’ footsteps. Since 2019, three films have already been released with his participation, and in one of the films – “Chuk and Gek. The Big Adventure” (6+) – Yura played the main role. Several more works are in production: a sequel to the film “Papa” (18+) (in which Yura Stepanov’s partners were Vladimir Vdovichenkov and stand-up comedian Stas Starovoytov), ​​as well as “Features of the National Hospital” (18). +) and “Caruso” (16+).

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