T Plus to repair section of heating network on Michurin Street in Samara – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

26.07.2024 14:36 ​​SAMARA. JULY 26. LATEST NEWS. Read: 118 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR + Enter. From July 27 to August 3, vehicle traffic will be restricted along Michurin Street in the area of ​​its intersection with Panova Street. This is due to the repair of heating networks, according to Michurina. The work will be carried out by T Plus specialists. With the help of a diagnostic robot, a malfunction was identified that required replacement of the collector. This remotely controlled complex is immersed in a decommissioned heating network, where it uses the alternating magnetization method to identify corroded areas and determines the thickness of the pipe walls in these areas. Thanks to this diagnostic method, it was possible to determine the critical thinning of the pipe wall in a section of the heating circuit directly under the main line. As a result, powerful engineers will renew 70 meters of the heating network in a two-pipe design. This will improve the quality and reliability of heat supply to nearby apartment buildings. The management of “T Plus” apologizes to the city residents for the inconvenience caused and calls for mutual understanding in the work to prepare the regional center for winter. Latest news

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