interregional cooperation is the framework of the Union State – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Interregional cooperation between Russia and Belarus is the basis of the Union State. This was stated by the Chairperson of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matviyenko on June 28 in Vitebsk during a meeting with heads of regions “on the sidelines” of the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, a Ridus correspondent reports from the scene. In her opinion, the format of the Union State is generally unique in the world, including due to the novelty of the complementary economies of the two states. She drew special attention to the fact that almost all Russian regions, economic operators, businesses and scientists are involved in such specific, meaningful, diverse cooperation and interaction. The need to counter sanctions especially increases the importance of interregional cooperation. To paraphrase a classic, I want to say that you do not choose the times, you live in them, and we will win,” the head of the upper house of the Russian parliament noted. In turn, the head of the Council of the National Assembly of Russia Belarus Natalia Kochanova noted that the emphasis in the three-year program for the development of the Union State, which is now one of the main documents for the development of interregional cooperation, is on advanced technologies, on the creation of import-substituting, competitive products. “Everything is surmountable when we support each other, we know and see that our projects produce results,” added the head of the upper house of the Belarusian parliament.

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