interesting state public pages – – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The choice for virtual travel and relaxation with the device In summer, the soul is drawn to nature. The portal “” as part of the special project “Welcome Here!” I have made a selection of government public pages that will help you get into nature without leaving your home. Ministry of Tourism of the Perm Territory For animal lovers, head to the Perm Zoo. Its collection includes more than 299 species of animals, many of them are listed in the Red Book. The daily life of the zoo’s inhabitants is described in the state civil service. A nice bonus is that the official community regularly holds games and competitions in which you can win free State Society tickets: The Tourism Development Center group is for those who love active recreation. Here we talk about traveling around the region: what to see, where to go, what to do and what to try. Subscribe to the official community to make your summer unforgettable. State Public: nature of our region is amazing and diverse. You can check this in the state publication of the Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Perm Territory. Admire the sights of nature and learn interesting facts about the place we live in. What is a goblin trap, why does a woodpecker knock on a tree, why does a wood grouse swallow pebbles? Answers to these and other questions are in the State Public Group: The official community of the Perm Forest Fire Center will help you plan a safe outdoor recreation. The group includes fire forecasts, safety rules and analysis of popular misconceptions about forest fires:

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