As part of the CRT, a hotel and sports complexes will appear in Sokolniki – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

There is a site in the east of the capital that is currently not being used effectively enough. According to Moscow Deputy Mayor for Policy and Urban Development Vladimir Efimov, it will be reorganized as part of a comprehensive territorial development program. The corresponding draft decision can be found on the official portal of the mayor and government of Moscow. “On a plot of 2.48 hectares in the Sokolniki district there will be commercial premises with a hotel, sports centers and other non-residential facilities – a total of 135 thousand square meters of real estate. Investments in the project will amount to about 40 billion rubles, the annual budget effect will exceed 1.3 billion rubles,” emphasized the Deputy Mayor of Moscow. Vladimir Efimov added that as a result of the comprehensive development of the territory in the east of the capital, more than three thousand additional jobs will appear. The site where reconstruction is being carried out within the framework of the MDGs has good transport accessibility. It adjoins Shumkina, Malenkovskaya and Rusakovskaya streets. The site currently houses warehouses and other outdated facilities. The Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of City Property Maxim Gaman said that according to the project it is planned to build 95 thousand square meters of real estate belonging to the state and commercial sphere. Thus, on the territory awaiting renovation, sports complexes, cultural and recreational facilities, offices, shops, bank branches, cafes and restaurants will be built. “A hotel with an area of ​​40 thousand square meters will also appear here. The territory will be landscaped, highways and pedestrian sidewalks will be laid,” concluded the head of the Urban Planning Department. Let us remind you that earlier the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Politics and Urban Planning Vladimir Efimov said that it is also part of the former industrial zone No. 50 Altufevskoe Highway, located in the north-east of the capital. subject to renewal as part of a comprehensive territorial development program. One project includes seven plots with a total area of ​​more than 14.3 hectares. Investments in the reconstruction of the site are estimated at 55 billion rubles, and the annual effect on the budget will exceed 1.5 billion rubles. Thanks to large-scale development, a modern quarter will be built in the Otradnoe district. As a result of the implementation of the MDGs, more than 3.5 thousand additional jobs will appear. Objects awaiting renovation have good transport accessibility. They are adjacent to Altufevskoye Highway and Rimsky-Korsakov Street. Nearby is the Bibirevo metro station. Currently, the territory is occupied by office and warehouse buildings, unfinished construction and other outdated objects. According to the project, housing construction is provided for on part of the former industrial zone No. 50 “Altufevskoe Highway”. Its area will be more than 146 thousand square meters. In addition, specialists will build non-residential facilities, the total area of ​​which will exceed 150 thousand square meters. As part of the KRT program, new multifunctional neighborhoods are being created in Moscow. In place of old industrial zones and areas in poor or neglected condition, modern residential complexes are appearing, old roads are being repaired and new ones are being built, and all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable life is being created: convenient transport links. , entertainment areas, sports and children’s playgrounds. Under the terms of the comprehensive development program for territories, important social facilities are also being built in Moscow: kindergartens and schools, clinics and hospitals, business centers, shopping, cultural, leisure, sports and fitness complexes, etc. comprehensive development of the territories is aimed at making the capital even more comfortable for life, recreation and work. Today, the city is implementing 236 projects aimed at improving inefficiently used areas. The total area of ​​the renovated areas is about 3.1 thousand hectares. The projects were developed on behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Under the terms of the program, modernization is carried out either by the owners of inefficiently used land, or by the city operator, or by an investor identified during the tender. The goal of a large-scale development program for the territory is not only renovation, but also increasing the efficiency of land use in the capital. Including improvement, creation of infrastructure and jobs. Modern production requires many times less space and labor while increasing production volumes. Therefore, with the integrated development of territories, jobs appear not only directly in production, but also in technology parks, shopping and entertainment centers, office buildings and logistics centers.

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