Bonya has decided her daughter’s fate – she will send her to another country in the summer – Russia today

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Victoria Bonya with her daughter Angelina Photo: social networks Victoria Bonya is raising her only daughter Angelina, whom she gave birth to from businessman Alex Smerfit. The girl was born in Monaco, has European citizenship and attended a French school where her father sent her. However, last year the model took the heiress of this educational institution and transferred her to online education. She stated that she did this for the benefit of Angelina, who hated going there and complained about bullying. As a result, in recent months, Bonya’s daughter has led a fairly quiet lifestyle, managed to live with her mother in Moscow and fly with her to a number of other countries. But it seems that Victoria is tired of the fact that the child is always with her and not busy with anything. The other day she announced that in the fall she would send her daughter to an English boarding school, where she would live permanently. Everyone began to accuse the model of trying to get rid of Angelina, but today Bonya gave the heiress the opportunity to speak out, and she assured the public that she herself insists on going to the UK because a special educational institution was found for her. Where’s she. she was able to combine lessons and riding lessons. In addition, the father promised to give the girl her own horse as an incentive, so she is already looking forward to the trip. However, before traveling to England, Angelina will have to spend some time in Switzerland. Victoria said that first the girl will go to summer camp, and only then study. Bonya will be able to calmly prepare for the ascent to Everest, which will happen very soon.

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