From July 1, new tariffs for housing and communal services will come into force in the Samara region. – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

From July 1, tariffs for all housing and communal services in the Samara region will increase. We have collected data on new prices for housing and communal services in Samara. Hot water will rise in price from 47.14 to 51.37 rubles. per cubic meter, cold – from 41.17 to 44.88 rubles. per cubic meter. The maximum tariff for thermal energy will increase from RUB 3,495.98. up to RUB 3,528.71 for 1 Gcal. The unified electricity tariff will change from 5.04 to 5.48 rubles. for 1 kW/h for consumers whose electricity consumption is no more than 3660 kW/h per month (unit consumption). Dividing the tariff into day and night zones, the tariff in the first consumption range will be 6.38 rubles. per day and 3.30 rub. at night Residents of Samara using electric stoves and electric heating units with a consumption of no more than 3660 kW/h per month will pay 3.84 rubles from July 1. per kW/h Gas for apartments equipped with gas stoves will rise in price from 8.92 to 9.91 rubles. per cubic meter. A similar rate will be for those who do not have a gas stove, but have a gas water heater in the absence of hot water supply. For homeowners who have both gas appliances, gas will not cost RUB 7.33. per cubic meter and 8.14 rubles. If gas is also used for heating, the price will be calculated based on the tariff for 1 thousand cubic meters. Now it is 6,420 rubles, next year – 7,130 rubles. More information about the new tariffs, taking into account differentiation by consumption ranges, can be found on the page of the Department of Price and Tariff Regulation of the Samara Region.

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