The head of the Investigative Committee, Bastrykin, called the State Duma a “stupid fool” and criticized the prosecutor’s office – June 27, 2024.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The deputies did not like how Bastrykin called them Source: Artem Ustyuzhanin / MSK1.RU The head of the RF Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, called the lower house of the Russian parliament “stupid.” Deputies considered his speech an insult Bastrykin expressed ambiguity towards the State Duma Source: Russian Congress How the scandal broke out Bastrykin addressed parliamentarians during a speech at a session on migration policy at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum (SPIEF-2024). . “Are there no State Duma deputies here?” Oh please, if I can, right now. Are you a deputy? Tell me, please, what is happening in the State Duma? Are they generally interested in solving this problem by passing new laws that respond to the intensity of the situation? – the head of the RF Investigative Committee addressed the deputy of the New People party, Sardana Avksentyeva, who answered the call. She replied that she was interested in solving the problem, and then offered to talk personally with the head of the Investigative Committee, but… after the event – I would really like to know when our good State will fool the laws. Sorry,” said Bastrykin. After this, the head of the RF IC explained where he got the term “State Duma” from: “After the reception in Kotelniki, which I arranged, “Tsargrad” posted the information. there. And it says: Bastrykin, of course, is great, but the State Duma <...> can do anything,” he said, and in response to the reaction of the deputies, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bastrykin “insulted the people.” “The deputies were elected by citizens of the Russian Federation, he insulted the people,” this is how TV presenter and United Russia deputy Evgeniy Popov described the words of the head of the RF Investigative Committee. He advised Bastrykin “to come to Okhotny Ryad himself and express his proposals,” otherwise “parliament has the right to summon him.” In addition, she arranged a survey with two answers: “to be offended by Bastrykin” and “to pass the necessary laws.” Currently, with a result of 89%, the second option is won by the representative of the “New People” Sardana Avksentyeva, with whom the head of the investigative committee spoke: “About the State Duma – that’s what the people say. I’m just quoting. Therefore, unlike my colleagues in parliament, this does not surprise me,” the parliamentarian noted. The reaction came not only from the State Duma. Journalist Anton Krasovsky proposed holding a debate between the head of the Investigative Committee. RF Alexander Bastrykin and Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin To which the Investigative Committee responded and explained the words of the head of the department – Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin in no way wanted to offend the people’s representatives, but only sought to draw the attention of the State Duma to the need for legislative changes in the field of migration. To do this, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia cited one of the many comments on social networks by Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

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