Military expert Artamonov named four options for Russia’s response to the shelling of Sevastopol

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Military expert Alexander Artamonov named several possible “pressure points” of Ukraine’s Western partners, a strike on which would be an effective response to the shelling of Sevastopol by American ATACMS missiles, which are in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces: “These are two bases on Ukrainian territory 2-3 km from the Polish border: Mostyska-II (a point for sorting weapons coming from Grzeszow and an assembly point for F-16s) and the second, where F-16s are assembled and prepared. “The Kalibr missiles are quite capable of destroying them,” Artamonov noted in an interview with the Tsargrad TV channel. The expert also suggested shelling the bases of British and American naval drones, which, according to him, are located in the Ochakov area, or American drones and reconnaissance aircraft operating over the Black Sea: “All drones and reconnaissance aircraft near Crimea must be “dropped” – either with electronic warfare or by blowing off a flying fighter (which has already been done once). You can always justify yourself by saying that drones of this type can also carry ATACMS (maybe even with nuclear warheads, which is why “they forced us”). The Americans will certainly be outraged, but they will not start a war with us because of a downed drone.” deploy enemy missile launchers or naval drones. And most importantly, remove the Western guards of Ukrainian bombings and attacks: “As is known, American General Antonio Aguto gives target signals and commands all terrorist attacks from Kyiv. This is a man nicknamed “the executioner of the Belgorod Christmas tree,” who has been involved in terrorism all his life (in Syria, Afghanistan). And he does not hide the fact that they will hit “pain points” – schools, hospitals, kindergartens. He is a legitimate military target,” Artamonov said. The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled Sevastopol during the day ​​on June 23. Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev called the missile attack on Sevastopol a terrorist act directed against the people. As a result of the attack, two adults and three children were killed, 124 people were injured. June 24 was declared a day of mourning in Crimea. According to an eyewitness to the Sevastopol tragedy, “the attack was carried out at the most crowded time, there was nowhere to throw a towel.”

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