housing and utility prices will continue to rise – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

From the beginning of the second half of the year, new laws and regulations on prices for goods and services will come into force in Russia. pixabay.com Housing and Utilities From July 1, for the first time in a year and a half, tariffs for housing and communal services (HUS) will increase in Russia. The index level will be determined individually for each municipality. In the Sverdlovsk region, most cities will face a 9.8% increase in duties. The exception will be the Kachkanarsky urban district with the highest rates (+13.8%). The increase will affect heating, gas, cold and hot water, sewerage, electricity, as well as garbage collection and solid waste management. Alcohol Strong alcohol will become more expensive: the minimum price for vodka will increase from 281 to 299 rubles per 0.5 liters, brandy – from 375 to 403 rubles, cognac – from 517 to 556 rubles. Now the list of drinks with a minimum retail price will include rum, which will cost at least 403 rubles for half a liter. Foreign passport The cost of a biometric passport valid for ten years will increase by 20% – from 5 to 6 thousand rubles. For children under 14, the cost of obtaining a passport will increase from 2.5 to 3 thousand rubles. Mortgage Privileged mortgage at 8% in Russia ceases to be valid from the beginning of the month. Introduced in 2020 to support the construction industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, it financed the purchase of apartments in new buildings. Now market rates on mortgages in large banks start at 17%, and the total cost of the loan, taking into account all insurance, is 19-22% per annum. Other inflation at the end of June reached almost 8.6% per year. In July, another sharp increase in prices for food and non-food products in stores, mobile phone services, household services, taxis, air tickets and others is expected. The Central Bank plans to raise the key rate at its next meeting in July in response to inflation risks.

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