The Permyak drove through a huge puddle. Video, photo – – Russia today

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Such a “sea” on the road was found in Kondratovo. Perm, nicknamed Arsenyo, was not upset by the upcoming rains, but, on the contrary, found another place for a SUP approach – a huge puddle in Kondratovo. The video was published in the telegram channel “Perm Stories” “This is the first time I’m riding on such extreme bodies of water,” the Perm resident jokes, “the puddle is so deep that the body weight of the SUPboard does not put pressure on it. the road, but floats on the water. In the comments, local residents confirm that the puddle is indeed large. Today I “floated” there by car! I already lost my license plate there. I almost cried all evening. But good people collected the lost items and placed them near the flowerbed, near the street barrier. Garden Ring, 14″,” wrote a Perm resident. The Perm resident added a photo in which there are actually four lost numbers near the flowerbed. Photo: “Perm Stories” / tg

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