‘I’m Undergoing Chemotherapy’: Singer Alisa Vox Says She’s Terminally Ill

Posting in CHAT: Russia

“This is a rare disease – a systemic autoimmune blood disease. I undergo chemotherapy once a year,” the artist admitted to the blonde, the disease partially influenced her departure from Sergei Shnurov’s team. She learned about the disease at the same time. The tests showed a “strange picture” in the blood. It turned out that the disease is incurable. “The prognosis is completely unclear. Some people live with it for two years, some for 90 years. “Everything is strictly individual,” the singer explained. Symptoms of the disease include dry mouth and eye pain. At first, she did not attach any importance to this and thought that the discomfort was caused by thirst and makeup. Now the star is being monitored by a specialist doctor. Earlier, the Shot Telegram channel reported that actor Roman Madyanov was diagnosed with lung cancer. The artist began a course of anti-tumor treatment.

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