When will the tax on “vegans” be introduced? Historical thimbles – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Three amazing news items in one day is a rare stroke of luck. Especially when big politics makes you simply disgusting. And then they brought such amber, you can stand or fall. First… what the Bolsheviks and comedians had long warned about… happened! The Kingdom of Denmark will pay farmers 100 euros a year in new taxes. From one cow. On carbon dioxide emissions in agriculture. After…[censored] cows And along with them, the sows, the bastards and the ponies. Now they have looked under their tails, calculating the “cost of a ton of CO2 equivalent emissions.” The head of the Danish Farmers’ Association called the bill “madness,” but the environmental government Centro Concito categorically stated: “The average Danish cow produces six tons of CO2 equivalent per year, and this is a terrible crime that will have to be paid for.” pay. Without delaying with the “Conclusions” section, I suggest that Danish farmers challenge this statement in court. And also because each of them has an equally toxic “carbon footprint,” as honest nutritionists and doctors say. News item number two: Lufthansa airlines sadly informs its customers that in 2025 it will introduce an additional fee to “recoup.” the costs of using alternative fuels used to reduce CO2 emissions.” The price of a “green flight” will increase by an average of 72 euros. In general, the EU aviation industry is obliged to switch to environmentally friendly SAF kerosene, made from animal remains and cooking fats, within a quarter of a century. The question is where will European officials get this raw material, because until 2050, when a complete transition to “green fuel” is planned… their unfortunate charges will be gnawing crickets, making lasagne from earthworms, making sausages. from twisted larvae. And a real cow and the notorious animal fat will become as much of a curiosity as (here comes news number three) “rich white heterosexual people living in the countryside.” No joke, such a study was conducted by “English scientists.” It was established: this social class leaves such a stinking carbon footprint that no Danish cows or millions of Swedish herring could make. [censored] for decades. Because these bastards (0.1 percent of the entire population of the Kingdom) drive good cars with gasoline engines, love frequent flights around the world and elite meat cuisine – they emit 22 times more harmful substances than 10% of the average US citizen. The Kingdom with low incomes. What will be the ways to combat this social evil – you do not have to guess anything. Regarding “green fascism” I will start with a personal one. Because the local “manager” of the microdistrict has been hammering away at the separate sorting of household waste for years. The experiment sometimes dies down, meeting an empty wall of misunderstanding between irresponsible citizens, then flares up again with the appearance of several types of garbage on the container (glass, plastic, organics, paper and something else). The whole joke is that a stinking truck arrives and dumps all the containers into its stinking interior without any order, and the cages with plastic are not taken out for weeks, after a good wind turns the neighborhood into a training ground for fun frolicking, riding, rattling bottles and freely flying bags. That is, some smart people decided: good Russian people (who pay for the removal and removal of household waste) are forced to work at home for some nouveau riche who do not want to increase the staff of sorting workshops and recycling points. At the same time, the rent for each apartment is the same, which indicates obvious social injustice. Personally, I am not at home for months, I do not create waste, but for the specific topic of “fat” I have to regularly pay my penny. This banal private example contains the entire “green agenda”, “the fight for the environment”. When people are deceived by separate waste removal, increasing the fleet of “separate garbage trucks” (on paper, of course). They leave such a “carbon smell” in a city clogged with cars that any talk about saving the planet by people with common sense is met with humor. More harmful ones… have righteous thoughts about a giant machine of total corruption under the guise of “environmental standards”. As if two systems built “communism” and “democracy”, turning good idealistic ideas into banal fraud. The same story with ecology today, crooks have simply taken out the brains of good people of the planet, having invented the “anthropogenic factor”. If we take the topic of garbage, then it is perfectly described by figures in Germany, where by command-and-administrative methods in some countries the bourgeoisie was forced to sort garbage and inform on each other for laziness. Almost immediately, employees of several waste processing, sorting plants and household landfills were laid off, thousands of dismissed citizens received social benefits, and the profits of industrial aggregators soared four to five times, because the waste was allegedly sent there. China and Malaysia for recycling. Of course, the Germans, diligently rummaging through their garbage, were charged extra fees for garbage collection, more frequent collection, and sea transport. Probably on ships moved by the Holy Spirit. About farting cows. When New Zealand tried to introduce taxes similar to Denmark’s a few years ago, the ruling coalition government got from the good farmers not bins of liquid fertilizer at the cash desks of public places, but a well-organized information campaign. Clever Japanese employees simply calculated how much their five-pound steak, considered a national dish, would cost the good New Zealanders. And that was it… the matter was closed without harm, because no one in the good city of Wellington wanted to whistle through the holes in the side of the forks there. And the cows of the Land of the Long White Cloud (in Maori) spoiled the atmosphere… in a chorus of relief, continue to produce the best dairy products in the Southern Hemisphere, living to retirement. The idea of ​​environmental fraudsters is a simple thesis, which they are no longer embarrassed to pronounce even at such grand events as the Davos Forum: humanity is a virus, a cancer of the Earth. Although the topic of “global warming” has long been disassembled into its smallest components and recognized as unscientific or extremely controversial. But the globalist elites stubbornly spend hundreds of billions on a new project of the “green agenda”. Those same “rich white people” who have a fleet of personal jets, garages with hundreds of energy-intensive cars and a fleet of yachts. Are they… really interested in ecology? Does anyone believe this nonsense? Looking at the turmoil of the cult of blessed Greta Thunberg and her ilk at the highest political level in many countries – yes, although the issue is completely different. Spiders like Schwab, Soros, Gore, Gates and others do not need so many service personnel, and the reproduction of their virtual fortunes worth trillions of dollars consumes too many resources that can be profitably sold and resold within the framework of the “golden billion”. Therefore, since the time of Bush Sr., a concept has emerged, expressed by his scientific adviser Paul Ehrlich: “every person born now brings an imbalance to the environment and life support systems of the planet.” And according to the founder of Microsoft and the guru of large numbers, the reptilian Gates, the population of the planet must be urgently reduced by at least 15%. Reproductive practices, special vaccinations, medical methods of sex change, etc., we see the results today in the crazy countries of the “golden billion”. With a silent question: when will they take care of the remaining seven billion, who, according to the ideologists of the “green agenda”, are parasites, useless eaters of their resources. The logic of one famous Austrian failed artist, who had the courage to talk about such things quite openly and made the complete extermination of “lower races, multiplying like cockroaches” a state policy. Today’s approaches are a little more subtle, but just as practical. Through farting cows, smoking cars and factories, flying planes and rolling cars. In economics, smart people have long called such approaches “air tax”, because transnational spiders have already learned to collect a fee from everything else, controlling the markets for food, water, energy resources, production of goods, etc. Now it has come to assigning each person a “carbon index”. Obliged to pay (in the cost of goods and services) for each cubic meter of carbon dioxide emitted during its production. For the first time, such a global experiment with the global hysteria of “ozone holes” was tested in the 1990s, forcing huge productions to become more expensive for consumers, and today they began to laugh at farting cows. And airline passengers, forced to save gigantic profits for the shareholders of these spiders, empty their wallets for each flight by 72 euros. And we do not have enough brains to get acquainted with the “capitalization” of the same crying Lufthansa, which is capable of organizing the transition to any environmentally friendly fuel for a small share of its profit. No, propaganda is more cunning, responsibility for the fate of the planet should be shared by everyone, from a half-starved African to the top management of the Big Numbers; Only the consequences of the demand for a “carbon tax” for them are completely different, it is a matter of life and death, and for others – even greater profit and control over a flock of sheep voluntarily getting up for shearing; Although … of their own free will, the Chinese comrades have already encountered huge problems when they were threatened with sanctions and prohibitive duties on products manufactured by the “dirty emissions method”. The World Toad screwed everyone up, forcing all states to pay for the conditional “garbage sorting” from their own pockets. Give up harmless nuclear energy and pay more for kilowatt-hours of smoky coal power plants (hello, liver Olaf from the king of the sky!), hello biodegradable packaging, which has a minimum shelf life/use and places an incredible burden on living organisms. and industry. You give incredibly expensive paper bags that destroy forests. And so do not touch anything, from aerosols to cosmetics and toilet paper. But traders who sell quotas for greenhouse gas emissions, strangely become stronger, and the environment worsens. At the expense of consumers, supposedly fighting for a clean environment. Garbage sorters … Japan at one time plunged headlong into such environmental madness, but oddly enough, companies producing bags for sorting began to receive superprofits, and then scandals erupted when the coast of the Russian Far East was literally buried under this. “clean garbage”. Just like in Germany, they justified themselves for a long time, as it turned out: two million tons of plastic sent to Malaysia to non-existent factories… do not reach, and are finally thrown into the World Ocean. Garbage continent And stories about the production of paper bags and plasterboard, enriching “ecologists”, but quickly thinning out the Amazon forests – this is generally a classic of the stupidest extortion of money by a naive Pinocchio, dragging papers into garbage bins for an outrageous price tag. The usual hypocrisy and wild capitalism in its final stage. If they cared about the environment, they would not have turned the consumer market into an orgy of disposable things. Clothes, shoes, household appliances, cars, electronic devices and everything that you do not touch, cannot be repaired, “cheaper to buy a new one at a discount.” Where did the “eternal goods” go, the standards of quality and reliability, well known to mankind in the 1970-1980s? Oh… also. It is useless to draw conclusions, this whole “green agenda” (starting with the thoroughly corrupt Greenpeace, which was an instrument of corporate wars of the budding globalists) is a common financial fraud, a cognitive and special information psychological operation. In which the consumer pays for every cent that the cheerful “white rich” have saved for him. Today it is capable of strangling entire countries with its environmental experiments, taxes on carbon dioxide emissions and the right to breathe. And the “dirtiest technologies” of shale oil and gas production in the main countries that care about a clean planet are not even noticed by environmentalists. And in others, cows fart… Historical thimbles https://dzen.ru Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish: https://t.me/russiapost

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