how much will university tuition cost in the new year – June 26, 2024 – Russia today

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Living and studying in St. Petersburg is the dream of many applicants Source: Daria Selenskaya/City Portals At the beginning of the admissions campaign, universities published tuition fees for the 2024/2025 academic year. According to the classics, they turned out to be higher than a year ago: in some specialties – by 3-4%, in others – by a quarter. Our colleagues from Fontanka have calculated how the cost of higher education has increased in St. Petersburg, where many applicants from all over the country dream of studying, and in which specialties it is cheaper and more expensive to study. In 2024, universities in St. Petersburg will admit 31,425 first-year students to undergraduate and graduate programs. This is 1,784 more people than a year ago. If in 2023 the average competition in the city was 19 people per place (despite the fact that candidates applied simultaneously to several universities and faculties), now the competition may become more severe as the number of non-entrants continues to grow. residents are students. So it’s worth taking a closer look at the prices for paid education, at least just in case. Fontanka has already talked about how budget places are distributed and what changes are being prepared for admission this year. This year, applicants were allowed to retake the Unified State Exam before the end of admission, and the admission system by referral was brought to uniformity. Also in 2024, a separate quota was expanded. From this year, without any exams at all, the following will be accepted: Heroes of the Russian Federation, children of SVO participants who were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation or who died or were injured, as well as (into medical universities) children. . medical workers who died during the pandemic How prices have increased in St. Petersburg universities At St. Petersburg State University, where prices are already biting, tuition fees increased by 4-5% (approximately according to the official inflation rate) in all subjects: from dentistry to journalism and oriental studies. For example, for “Modern Programming” the price increased from 259.4 to 271 thousand rubles. per year, for “Applied Physics and Mathematics” – from 330.8 to 345.6 thousand rubles. Let us clarify that we paid attention to prices for students who will enroll only this year. Typically, for senior students, tuition is slightly cheaper at the oldest universities: “Social work” (244.2 thousand per year), “Philosophy” (248 thousand) and “Museum studies” (255.3 thousand). This year, there have been no major jumps at the university, whereas a year ago prices for creative fields had already increased by almost a quarter, and for medical fields – by 15%. – growth last year averaged 3–4%. Now training in “Hotel Management” and “Sociology” costs 272 thousand a year, and in “Economics” with in-depth study of the Chinese language – all 350. At RANEPA, prices have increased even more – by 7-15%. For 259 thousand, the university will train economists and advertising specialists, for 298 thousand – specialists in international relations. Many St. Petersburg universities have shown caution towards future potential solvent first-year students. At the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Namely prices increased by only 2–5%. Herzen, by 4-7% – in the architectural State Agrarian University, by 4-5% – in PGUPS, where the cost of training is traditionally not the highest. At technical universities, prices this year vary greatly and depend on the university. At Polytechnic University the growth was only 4% – up to 230-250 thousand per year in the main areas, at LETI – 4.5% – up to 240-251 thousand. But at the Technological Institute and ITMO, education has grown significantly. At Tekhnolozhka prices increased by 15–17%, to 223–288 thousand per year, at ITMO by 14–17%. The most affordable prices at the university were “Photonics and Optics” and “Technical Physics” for 309 thousand per year, and the most expensive were “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” for 459 thousand. Prices in medical universities were significantly higher than last year. At the First Medical School, the cost of training in the medical and dental faculties increased by 7.5% – to 330 thousand per year, in pediatrics – by 12%, to 320 thousand. At the Northwestern State Medical University named after. Mechnikov saved only on dentists: for them, the cost of training increased by 4.6%. For other faculties, the increase was 11%: “General Medicine” – 325 thousand, “Nursing” – 263 thousand, “Pediatrics” – 303 thousand. In pediatrics there is a significant difference: in “Therapeutic and preventive care” and “Defectology”. . Tuition fees increased by 5%, in Dentistry – by 13%, in General Medicine and Pediatrics – by 23.7%. The most expensive specialties in St. Petersburg In St. Petersburg, every year more and more areas appear, training in which will cost the student and his parents two or even three million rubles for four years of study. As a rule, these are faculties of the most prestigious universities and creative specialties. Even if the university is technical. The record holder was again “International Management” at St. Petersburg State University, the price of which increased by 4.5% – to 627.6 thousand rubles. in year. The managers of the oldest university have a separate academic campus – not far from Strelna. According to students’ stories, it takes one and a half to two hours to get to the city center Source: All areas of the Mining University are in second place – from oil and gas and mining to economics and mechanical engineering. You will have to pay 600 thousand rubles a year for studying at the university: last year the university raised prices by 50%. Since 2021, tuition fees have almost tripled, but this year they finally decided to settle on Mining Petersburg University, asking for more than 400 thousand rubles a year in eight additional faculties, including design, law, oriental studies and public administration. Traditionally expensive training at the St. Petersburg campus of the Higher School of Economics: project-based training now costs 590 thousand, international management – 550 thousand. I study at the St. Petersburg State University of Pedagogical and Technical Technologies, majoring in advertising design and animation and computer graphics. almost half a million, more than 400 thousand in the GPU named after. Herzen. Also in the top 25 most expensive this year were the most popular IT areas of ITMO, the prices for which were raised to 419–459 thousand rubles. St. Petersburg, where education is still affordable, plus or minus, and where you don’t have to pay millions for your student years. If you really want to study cheaper, you should pay attention to private universities and non-core specialties at universities. Their prices are usually significantly lower. The cheapest, as last year, remains SPbGUTUiE, where for 160 thousand rubles a year you can get such professions as a psychologist, teacher, hotel manager and tourism and service specialist, and for 170 – an economist. . or administrator Source: Another budget option is the Institute of Psychology and Social Work, which trains social workers for 200 thousand a year. You can also enroll in St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, but not as an architect, but as an economist and pay 178 thousand a year for tuition. At the Marine Technical University they also ask for less than two hundred a year, however, on land, not on water: “Jurisprudence”, “Business Informatics”, “Sociology”, “Economics” Almost for the same money as you. You can enter the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen as a physical education teacher or at St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University as an IT specialist. Follow our publications – soon we will tell you how much it costs to study at Moscow universities.

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