Five people were killed and more than 100 were injured in a rocket attack on Sevastopol.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Today at 12:15 p.m., a deliberate terrorist missile attack was carried out on the city of Sevastopol by five American ATACMS operational-tactical missiles equipped with cluster warheads. When repelling a missile from an air defense detachment on duty, four missiles were intercepted. The explosion of the fragmentation head of the fifth missile in the air caused numerous casualties among the civilian population of Sevastopol, the Ministry of Defense reports. According to the Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozzhaev, five people are currently known, including three children and. two adults. 124 people were injured. Monday, June 24, has been declared a day of mourning in Sevastopol. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has opened a criminal case under Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (terrorist act). Investigators and forensic experts are on site – All flight missions for US operational-tactical missiles are entered by US specialists based on US own satellite information. Therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on the civilian population of Sevastopol lies, first of all, with Washington, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, as well as with the Kiev regime, from whose territory this attack was carried out. Such actions will not go unanswered, the Ministry of Defense said. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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