TGK-11 commented on the violations identified at Omsk CHPP-5 – July 4, 2024

Publication in CHAT: Russia

If the violations are eliminated, Omsk residents will not have to freeze in winter Source: Elena Latypova TGK-11 told NGS55.RU that they plan to eliminate the violations identified by Rostekhnadzor before the start of the heating season. Action plans have already been drawn up. The organization noted that scheduled and unscheduled equipment repairs are now being carried out at all Omsk TPPs. – At TPP-5, the repair program was formed taking into account the results of the unscheduled inspection by Rostekhnadzor in December 2023. Subsequent inspections are carried out during the repair campaign, within the framework of which measures have already been taken to eliminate, including the recently presented comments, TGK-11 emphasized. It was previously known that Rostekhnadzor agreed on this with the prosecutor’s office of the Omsk region. organized an unscheduled on-site inspection of the main building of TPP-5 and identified 114 violations of industrial safety requirements.

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