30 mm of precipitation fell in Krasnoshchelye in one day – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 20 06 2024, 07:09 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Irina Shved In Krasnoshchelye on June 19, 30 mm of precipitation fell in one day, which corresponds to 30 liters of water per square meter. In Kanevka, 22 mm of precipitation fell, in Lovozero – 21 mm, in Janiskoski – 15 mm, in Zarechensk – 13 mm. In Kashkarantsy, 11 mm of precipitation fell per day, in Kandalaksha, Monchegorsk, Apatity, Kovdor and Murmansk – 10 mm of precipitation each, in Teriberka and Nikel – 9 mm. Let us remember that the first mushrooms grew in the Khibiny Mountains. Read also: Beach on Ur: lifeguard tower, buoys and changing rooms [видео]

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