Rosprirodnadzor considered that this was not pollution in Petrushino, but rainwater from Taganrog

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Back in early May, residents of Petrushino near Taganrog drew our attention to the black and stinking water flowing into the bay. After the publication, administrative mechanisms were established, samples were taken, and the territory was visited by the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of the Rostov Region, Alla Kushnareva. The departure was of a formal nature – the employee said that the problem had not been studied to her, and she familiarized herself with the situation. Local residents warned: they saw samples being taken. During their implementation, the waste flow was stopped. Later we met with the head of the rural settlement on whose territory the beach is located. She told us that the locals know where the smelly waste comes from. But, despite statements from the local population that sampling should be sudden and take into account the possibility of stopping the outflow of uninvited guests, the following was reported: “… the ebb into the bay was made due to a storm. a sewer collector that removes sewage from the territory of the western microdistrict of the city of Taganrog and has an outlet in the village of Petrushino.” Thus, the fact of marine pollution remains unrecognized. The same decision was made two years ago. However, on May 27, the Taganrog administration will host a meeting with the participation of representatives of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, the Ministry of Industry and Energy, and the administrative inspection of the Rostov region. area . , Rosprirodnadzor and the bailiff service, where issues will be considered on developing joint decisions that will prevent pollution of the Taganrog Bay in the future. With Klunny Back in 2018, the Economic Bulletin recognized the beach in Petrushino as polluted3112 News about. Notepad Diary

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