Governor Makhonin will take part in the state visit of the President to Uzbekistan

Posting in CHAT: Russia

He will take part in official events. The Kremlin announced a state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Uzbekistan. As the portal found out, the Russian delegation included the Governor of the Perm Territory, Dmitry Makhonin. He will participate in official events, including those with the participation of the head of state. Especially in the work of the session of the Council of Regions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Photo: Dmitry Makhonin/tg Earlier, the portal “” reported that the Minister of Energy of the Republic recently visited the Perm Territory on an official visit. The parties agreed to prepare a roadmap for cooperation. It is planned to be signed in October 2024. It provides for the development of industrial cooperation, joint projects in the field of education and science, and the placement of production facilities in the economic zones of Uzbekistan.

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