From July 1, Sverdlovsk residents will have to pay for electricity in a new way – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

From July 1, the traditional indexation of tariffs for housing and communal services, including electricity, will take place. In the Sverdlovsk region, its cost will increase by an average of 9%. For the first time in the region, differentiated application of tariffs is being introduced on the principle of “you consume more, you pay more.” Currently, this is more than a formality to comply with federal requirements – the marking is only 1 kopeck, but it is possible that in the future the figures will be adjusted. From July 1, consumers whose monthly consumption does not exceed 11,000 kWh will pay 5.62 rubles. per kWh (for houses without electric stoves) and 3.93 rubles. (for houses with electric stoves and residents of rural areas). Day and night tariffs are set at 6.57 and 3.18 rubles. (gas) or 4.60 and 2.23 rubles. (electric ovens and stations). On average, indexation will be 9%. The second range starts with consumption from 11,000 kWh to 19,000 kWh, the third – all higher. When switching to each of them, the cost of 1 kWh will increase by 1 kopeck. The vast majority will not notice the innovations (not counting the indexation by 9%), because the figure of 11,000 kWh is calculated from the maximum possible consumption of one household: the maximum power of 15 kW is multiplied by 24 hours and by 31 days (constant full load). That is, an ordinary resident will not be able to get into the second range, even if he wanted to. However, it is possible that in the future not only the rates themselves, but also the intervals will change. For example, in Kaliningrad, even with a consumption of 5000 kWh, the cost of electricity almost doubles – to 9.66 rubles. It is expected that the system of differentiated tariffs will reduce cross-subsidization (additional payments to companies for reducing domestic tariffs), and will also help in the fight against “gray” mining that consumes electricity at domestic tariffs.

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