What Yekaterinburg residents spend money on: residents openly talked about their income

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Sverdlovskstat regularly publishes data on wage growth. In Yekaterinburg, for example, the average salary increased by 16.5%, reaching 84.6 thousand rubles by the end of 2023. However, prices for goods and services are also rising rapidly. Residents of the Sverdlovsk region told how much money they actually spend per month. Residents of Yekaterinburg shared what they spend the most money on. The main expenses, as expected, were food, mortgage and loans – A family of 4 people spends 150 thousand per month: 30 thousand on food, the rest on mortgage. utilities, wards, kindergarten, dentistry, medications and tests. We don’t have luxury,” one of the residents told the E1.RU portal. Other examples of expenses look like this: “50 thousand for food, 18 thousand for a mortgage, 12 thousand for utilities, 12 thousand for a car loan. , 9 thousand for the next loan, 10 thousand for the further education of the child, 10 thousand for gasoline – 40 thousand for gasoline, 10 thousand for utilities, the rest – another 20 thousand from Yekaterinburg. Use a special app to track your budget – We kept an accurate budget, accounting for every cent. In general, food for two costs 30 thousand, for animals – 6 thousand, for yourself – 10 thousand, plus the cost of mortgages and loans. For some people, it has become mandatory to save significant sums for renovation and decoration of the apartment, as well as for education and children. Many people save on vacations, cosmetics and clothes. Also, some respondents note that significant funds are spent on children, including studies, classes, tutors and additional education – Our main expenses are for our 18-year-old daughter: studies, clothes. cosmetics, contact lenses, concerts, etc. The second major expense item is the dacha.

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