In the center of Voronezh, 2 historical buildings can be converted into a hotel and community center

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Voronezh, they agreed on the concept of restoration of a complex of historical buildings and cultural heritage: the “Sewing Workshop” and the “Bells of the Pyatnitskaya Church” (Kosti Strelyuka Street, 11/13). The project involves recreating the lost entrance with a porch and main staircase in the workshop, as well as constructing a four-story building. The building will be used as a restaurant and hotel. This was reported in the Voronezh regional branch of the Union of Architects of Russia (VROSAR) on Thursday, March 28. Photo – According to the project, they plan to restore the workplace for further adaptation to a hotel. They also plan to build a summer cafe in the courtyard. Photo – “They want to adapt the bell tower of the Pyatnis Church with its outbuildings into a community center. In the lower part, which opens with a vault into the courtyard and is its continuation, exhibitions and concerts can be organized. The second part will become a museum space, the exhibition of which is dedicated to the history of the Pyatnitskaya Church and the surrounding area. The extensions are intended to be used as a lecture theatre, town hall and café.” As for the bell tower, as a temporary solution, the project proposes to build it in an interpretive way in the form of a lightweight structural structure with integrated light elements,” said the architects. Photo – The restoration project was carried out by an architectural bureau on the initiative of the owner of the territory. The architectural commission agreed on the concept and recommended continuing work on adapting the OKN to continue cooperation with the relevant department. In early February, construction began on a four-story non-residential building on Karl Marx Street in Voronezh. The work is being carried out according to a project approved in February 2023 by the architectural commission. The building will be built on the territory adjacent to the Wilhelm Stoll plant, a cultural heritage site (CHO) of regional significance. The second stage of work includes the restoration of part of this object according to documentation agreed with the OKN Security Department. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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