You won’t have to pay anymore. From May 25, a new benefit will be introduced for every pensioner

Posting in CHAT: Russia

From May 25, pensioners in some regions of Russia will be able to receive special transport cards. The cards will provide them with free travel on public transport for one month. Pension expert Anastasia Kireeva reports that the initiative to introduce such a benefit came from the youth community and was supported by local authorities. To receive cards, pensioners must provide a pension card or passport. Cards will initially be issued at the end of April. From June 1 to July 1, pensioners will be able to use public transport (buses, trolleybuses and trams) free of charge. Ten trips within the location will be recorded on the transport card. In addition, in many regions, already in April, pensioners with dacha plots will have the advantage of free travel to their dacha. However, you should check with your local Social Security office for the availability of such benefits.

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