Why was the door installed in the middle of the tundra in Teriberka? – Russia today

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News | 14 09 2024, 14:20 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Irina Shved A new art object has appeared in Teriberka — a door with a mirror attached to it. Vice President of the Turman Regional Committee Irina Bulygina explained to SeverPost that the door symbolizes the updated format of the traditional holiday in the fishing village. “We opened a nature park. This year it turned three years old. Our festival has moved outside the nature park — look at this door,” she said. Now the festival sites are mostly located away from the nature park. Thus, garbage and trash will remain until you enter the natural area. “This object shows that the festival will be completely different: ecological, simple and, I think, no less interesting. Interesting excursions from students and graduates of the school of tour guides await participants. The school took first place in Russia for the level and quality of training of specialists. The team of the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences prepared a very good lecture,” the official commented. In the year of cultural and educational tourism, the event organizers did everything to make the festival cultural and educational, Bulygina especially noted. Let us recall that the works of the artist Korovin are shown in Teriberka. Read also: The regional traffic police gave explanations about the Murmansk “feudal lords” To learn about the main news and most important events of the day first. subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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