Why hasn’t a crematorium been built in Omsk Oblast yet – September 11, 2024

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The crematorium was supposed to appear in the Omsk region Source: Maksim Vorobyov / E1.RU The construction of the Omsk crematorium has been stopped again. Presumably, it was supposed to appear in the Omsk region. It turned out that the land on which they planned to build the building belongs to the Ministry of Defense. As it became known to Omsk-inform, the company Renewable Resources cannot obtain permission – The situation with the construction of the crematorium is still complicated. The land belongs to the Ministry of Defense. This department is busy with the target assignment, plus personal changes, so now is not the time for things. At the moment, the situation is suspended,” said State Duma deputy Igor Antropenko. It is his name that is associated with the Renewable Resources company. The Moscow company Pomoshch also wanted to build a crematorium in the Omsk region. We even decided on a place – the village of Nadezhdino. True, the building was supposed to be erected in the summer and completed before winter. But there, too, construction was stopped. In the spring we wrote about why not a single crematorium has been built in Omsk, although the plans are already 30 years old.

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