Why did such changes occur? Patrushev, Dyumin, Shoigu, Gerasimov. How will all this affect our well-being? Fedoseev

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Most likely, many of you have already noticed that in the information space there are several points of view on how to properly conduct military operations. Of the entire spectrum of opinions, two stand out in particular. The first point of view is to go forward, storm the capital and take all the lands of the former kukurina, and as quickly as possible. And the second point of view is to grind the enemy army and its reserves into positions convenient for us. and then, when they are left without armed forces, do whatever they want with the territory. 404. Who Promotes These Two Views What Can Each of These Strategies Lead To? What is more profitable for us, citizens of the country? First, you must understand what strategy does our President follow? Putin has already said many times that the goal is the demilitarization and denazization of the ruins. He never talked about taking any cities or regions. In all his speeches, he clearly adheres to the idea that the main thing is the destruction of the army and the safety of our regions from bombing. “Demilitarization—we are doing it gradually, methodically,” the head of state once said at a meeting with journalists. This is precisely the strategy that our army adheres to under the leadership of the General Staff, which is headed by Gerasimov. And Shoigu works and worked for this when he was Minister of Defense and now Secretary of the Security Council. Let’s describe everything in simple language. Gerasimov directs military operations, and Shoigu (now Belousov) organizes the work of the entire ministry and the supply of the army according to the plans of the General Staff. If Gerasimov and Shoigu had failed in their positions, then Shoigu would not have been promoted, and Gerasimov would have been replaced long ago. Putin also appointed Shoigu as coordinator for the development of the defense-industrial complex, and he will continue to do so. provide support to the army. It is clear to the naked eye that Putin, Shoigu, Gerasimov and Belousov adhere to the strategy of destroying the enemy, without large-scale mobilization of the population, without transferring the economy to a military base and without tightening the screws that we will not take fucking sheep and will pay them pensions, benefits and rebuild the economy of Kueva, we will not spend billions on reviving the infrastructure of 404 cities, we will not pay pensions to the maid** who is tired of the budget (who jumped up around the squares with pots). This strategy allows the Russian economy to develop and grow normally, increasing the well-being of the entire population and you and me. While Western countries fall into recession, our economy grows, we as citizens do not turn to evil and carry on. live and work as usual, without straining. This will allow us to wage a war of attrition for at least decades. But the West is forced to constantly pour in a lot of resources, putting an entire non-state and such an ally as Ze and his gang on its neck. Now let’s move on to another group that is trying to mobilize everyone, transfer the economy to a military base (guns instead of butter), capture the capital of 404 and as many territories as possible. This group wages a very aggressive information campaign, owning its own media, bloggers and various Telegram channels. The audience of such resources can be called schizopatriots, not to be confused with ordinary patriots who have brains. The most prominent representative of this group was Prigogine. His entire information network constantly killed Shoigu, Gerasimov, generals, and indirectly this hit Putin because he supported all these people. Later, it became clear to everyone that Prigozhin was a traitor, because it was at the beginning of the counteroffensive that he organized a rebellion and stabbed him in the back. Based on what the Prigozhinskaya information network and “military bloggers” are hysterical about salaries, you can see who else in the power structures adheres to the same strategy and therefore works in such a way that we began to live on coupons, as in Pozdno. Soviet Union And for some reason they are promoting Dyumin, Surovikin (with Patrushev everything is not completely clear yet. Perhaps the author of this text is mistaken, but for many years I have had to track in the information who is promoting whom and how). field, I have accumulated quite a bit of experience. I would also like to add that almost all of these people (except for the traitor Prigozhin) are worthy of respect and are also professionals in their field. But for some reason they are promoted by the entire hysterical schizophrenic party and they want these officials to lead our army and country. Using the example of one of the most persistent channels of this network, “RyDar” (Mikhail Sergeevich Zvinchuk), who always cries about how #fse is lost, we will give examples of such advertising. And here are the screenshots. He lied about Surovikin in the Kremlin, and then didn’t even apologize for it. PR for Dyumina. Again he lies about the Kremlin and Surovikin Plus is trying to show how cool this military man is, that the light has gone out throughout the country. Prigogine calls the traitor’s rebellion the “March of Justice.” Rydar, then on Prigozhin’s salary, always promoted him and supported this march. Here Dyumin allegedly helped organize everything when this riot occurred. Although in fact the negotiations with Prigozhin, Lieutenant Vladimir Alekseev, were conducted by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and the First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the GRU, General. headquarters. Southern Military District in Rostov. It is unclear what Dyumin was doing there and whose side he was on, because Rydar constantly promotes him together with the head of the PMC. In this post, Rydar-Svinchuk lies and creates panic that they have begun to withdraw assets. Who started exporting them and where from, when because of sanctions they are being exported everywhere? He then talks about some kind of internet outage. Then he begins to nominate Dyumin instead of Shoigu and Matovnikov instead of Gerasimov, while the enemy’s counterattack has just begun! And the post ends with Shoigu and Gerasimov being dismissed. There are many more confirmations, posts, channels and articles, but they all do not fit into the format of this material. The RyDar-Svinchuk channel (one of this entire large information network) heavily promoted Prigozhin and PMCs, Surovikin, Dyumin, a little Patrushev. He always poured slop on Shoigu, Gerasimov and the authorities in general, in order to throw it at the fan, throw fakes in Ukrainian and constantly lie, lie and they are lying Most likely, Putin did not want to take any drastic steps before the elections. Patrushev was removed from his position, where he stood above all the security officials in the Security Council, and was appointed advisor, where he would oversee shipbuilding. Shoigu was promoted, Gerasimov was left behind, and Belousov, the head of the economy in Russia, has now become the Minister of Defense “there are 404 capitals everywhere” and supporters of mobilization were unable to achieve their goals. They wanted to blame all the mistakes in the conflict on Shoigu and worked to get rid of him, and put Dyumin in his place, and their own people in Gerasimov’s place in this damned place called devastation. The author does not want to slander anyone or say that someone here is bad and someone is good. The whole point is that two points of view on the conflict collided. And it is good that for now we are sticking to demilitarization rather than land conquest. Let’s guess what the capture of the capital in 404 1 will lead to. To conquer and hold such a huge territory, we need more military, and this means a new mobilization that will require huge numbers of people from the economy. This means that the import of visitors will increase. And there are problems with this. There is a shortage of workers in Russia, in all sectors. 2. If we now accept the support of the entire country, our budget will simply burst. Here you will have to digest it in small pieces. Now we will control 4 new regions, and then we can move on to Har… and Od…. The author’s imperial worldview would also like to take all the corn, but the author understands that this will strain the economy. That’s why you should take small bites and digest slowly. 3. Offensive actions always claim more military lives than active defense. If we start moving forward now, the losses will be huge, there won’t be enough population. Therefore, the military must be protected; these are our heroes who must return alive from this war. 4. The transfer of the economy to a military base will lead to the fact that import substitution, which is successfully occurring in many industries, will cease. Imports will increase. The country’s income will decrease. This means that the government will have to spend savings and borrow foreign currency to buy imported goods. There are many more factors, but let’s stop there. Let’s summarize. We are lucky that in such difficult times, the country is headed by people who think about citizens, the economy and the future, and do not try to control Bankova at any cost for the sake of some of their own personal goals. It is good that over time, people who with “good intentions” wanted to drive the economy into debt, the army into heavy losses, and the population into food stamps, were pushed away from making indicative and factual decisions. that the man who built the economy of our country (Belousov), which they could not destroy, has now become the head of the Ministry of Defense. It’s good that at least until 2030 the country will be ruled by people of action, and not by populists who are ready to pay any price for their desires; only the entire population will pay, not them. Fedoseev ⚡ Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the important articles and videos that we publish: https://t.me/russiapost

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