who should not eat them, so as not to harm their health – June 28, 2024 – Russia today

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Even edible mushrooms can cause serious harm to some people. Source: Artyom Ustyuzhanin/E1.RU Everyone knows that fly agarics and mushrooms cannot be eaten. But even the edibility of a mushroom does not guarantee that it will not harm you. Therefore, before preparing chanterelles, honey mushrooms and other milk mushrooms, check whether you are on the list of those who should avoid mushrooms. Are mushrooms themselves dangerous if they are edible? Poisonous ones (fly agaric, satanic mushroom, false mushroom, fungus) are dangerous for everyone without exception and can lead to stomach upsets, severe poisoning or death. It is useless to cook them: toxins do not leave the mushroom even when exposed to high temperatures. The second type is conditionally edible mushrooms. In their raw form, they are no better than poisonous ones, but after prolonged cooking they can be served without any fear. These mushrooms include volushki, morels, dragnets and black milk mushrooms. Some mushrooms can be cooked for days – they will not cease to be dangerous Source: Serafima Pantykina / City Portals However, even in edible mushrooms you can find harmful compounds. “Its content can be dangerous,” says Dr. Nadezhda Podkorytova. – Mushrooms have an osmotrophic type of nutrition – they absorb substances from the environment, including salts of heavy metals, over their entire surface. Some mushrooms – champignons, honey mushrooms – can increase the concentration of harmful compounds. Proper preparation and cooking of mushrooms will avoid the risk of poisoning. Nadezhda Podkorytova is the chief physician of INVITRO-Ural. At the same time, mushrooms are an important product. They contain many useful substances. “Mushrooms contain protein (65–70% of the total substances), vitamins B and C, nicotinic and folic acids, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron,” says nutritionist Galina Bartashevich. — All these elements have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, strengthen bone tissue and have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis. At the same time, mushrooms, as a product of plant origin, do not contain cholesterol, are a gastroenterologist of the highest category, a pediatric gastroenterologist, a nutritionist, a candidate of sciences – they have been useful for diabetics for more than 30 years, as they help reduce blood glucose levels. And Dr. Stephen Gundry in his book “The Longevity Paradox” notes that polyamines contained in mushrooms help maintain youth. Who Shouldn’t Eat Mushrooms. However, some people will have to eliminate mushrooms from their diet and look elsewhere for the secret to longevity. Due to the chitin they contain, a poorly digestible substance, mushrooms should not be eaten during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases and a tendency to stool disorders. Allergy sufferers and those suffering from the following diseases should also avoid this product: duodenitis; Source: Polina Avdoshina / City Portals Mushrooms are also contraindicated for young children: their body is not yet adapted to digest chitin. However, doctors note that in general it is necessary to introduce the product into the diet of children, the main thing is gradually. eat solid food,” notes Nadezhda Podkorytova. However, mushrooms should be given in moderation. It is always better to start with a small amount to avoid any potential problems. But what happens if a person for whom mushrooms are contraindicated still eats them? In this case, a passionate mushroom lover will face unpleasant, although not fatal, consequences: allergic reactions, gastric disorders and poisoning. How many mushrooms can a healthy person eat, don’t add mushrooms. – General recommendation – Fr. 100–200 grams of mushrooms per day, but the specific amount may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the method of preparation. It is also worth remembering that mushrooms do not go with everything. For example, they cannot be washed. with alcohol – it harms the liver. “The simultaneous consumption of mushrooms with canned food can lead to dysbiosis,” adds Podkorytova. What to do if you are poisoned by mushrooms, feel nausea, headache, dizziness, loss of appetite or weakness? there is a risk of poisoning. “In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance to avoid serious complications and receive the necessary treatment,” advises Nadezhda Podkorytova. While waiting for an ambulance, it would be a good idea to rinse your stomach and collect the remains of eaten mushrooms for analysis by a doctor. If it is not you, but someone else who has been poisoned, then before washing you need to make sure that the person is conscious and is not experiencing severe vomiting. If the vomiting does not stop, it is necessary to place the person on his side so that he does not suffocate and wait for the ambulance to arrive. In this case, you cannot rinse the stomach.

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