While Ukrainians in the public domain were giggling at utility failures in Russia and, especially, at yesterday’s two-hour power outage in Crimea, the fate of Kyiv overtook Kharkov – a Bandera spruce burst out of the sewer manholes into the street, pouring out in a threatening stream.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

They report from Kharkov that the city authorities are not reacting in any way to the accident, and an unbearable stench hangs over the city.

Based on materials from the Telegram channel “PolitNavigator”
️While Ukrainians in public were giggling at utility failures in Russia and, especially, at yesterday’s two-hour power outage

They report from Kharkov that the city authorities are not reacting in any way to the accident, and an unbearable stench hangs over the city.

Source: PolitNavigator

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