What will happen to Shoigu’s generals, who will be appointed General Surovikin and when Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov will retire, said State Duma deputy Andrei Kartapolov – May 14, 2024.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Andrey Kartapolov Source: Duma.gov.ru What awaits the generals of the Ministry of Defense who came to Frunzenskaya Embankment together with Sergei Shoigu; whether Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov will remain in his post; Will there be a new position for General Surovikin and is Andrei Kartapolov himself ready to return to the ministry under the leadership of Andrei Belousov, asked State Duma deputy, former Deputy Minister of Defense General Andrei Kartapolov began his officer service in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. Participant in most military conflicts in Russia, starting with the second Chechen campaign. Since 2015, it has been under US and EU sanctions. From 2015 to 2018, he commanded the troops of the Western Military District, with a “break” for a Syrian assignment (in 2016–2017 he commanded the Russian military group in the Syrian Arab Republic), where he led the operation for the second liberation of Palmyra. In 2018, he was appointed head of the newly created structure – the Chief Military-Political Director of the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, he received the post of Deputy Minister of Defense. Since October 2021 – Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the VIII convocation on defense – Andrei Valerievich, if you tell me that you were not surprised yesterday, I will not believe you. – Evgeniy Viktorovich did not live to see this day. Can we say that the fate of Sergei Kuzhugetovich was predetermined by the conflict with Prigozhin and the subsequent rebellion? Only Vladimir Vladimirovich, the Teflon minister to whom problems do not stick – Ed.) made such a dramatic pause, and said about Belousov: “There was already a reformer in the Moscow region. Now they have sent an auditor.” By reformist, obviously, we mean Anatoly Serdyukov (Minister of Defense in 2007–2012 – Ed.). Do you agree with the definition that Andrei Belousov is an accountant – Andrei Removich Belousov is a person with an unblemished reputation. This is a person with extensive fundamental knowledge in matters of finance and economics. These are difficult times and we need to be very careful with everything we have. Using everything we have as efficiently and effectively as possible. That’s right, I think Andrei Removich Belousov knows how and can do this – the Ministry of Defense can really be managed by a person who has not served in the army and has a specialized military education – Actually, this is the question. The previous two were removed from office. — (Rich, pause.) The decision has been made. The decision of the Commander-in-Chief is verified and balanced. You and I know that he is not mistaken in personal matters. We will wait for the result. The result is the increased power of our Armed Forces, the efficiency of the Ministry of Defense and, as a result, the success of our group in the special operations zone. Personnel changes in the Ministry of Defense – Can we expect this according to Sergei Kuzhugetovich, will his deputies leave their posts? The same Tsalikov (Ruslan, First Deputy Minister of Defense. – Ed.) – Shoigu’s man – This is a quite common practice, when a new leader comes, he forms a team of deputies, like-minded people. Therefore, Andres Removic has the right to determine which of the former officials will remain and who will not. An update will also follow here – Has Shoigu himself been dismissed from military service? I have not yet seen the decree on his appointment to the post of Secretary of the Security Council. At least in the public domain [не видел указа] about dismissal from the Armed Forces. Most likely, he will simply transfer to a new quality, retaining the right to wear a uniform and the existing military rank – military general. His appointment can be considered as an increase or decrease in status, position, sphere of influence of status – promotion. .- And in terms of the degree of influence? – A difficult question – To which front will Nikolai Patrushev be sent? Is there any information about what position he will take – Nikolai Platonovich – an unbending fighter? And the president will place him where he is needed most. I deeply respect this man. Patriot of the highest standard. A great man and an outstanding professional. That is why such people will not be left without advertising – during 12 years of work as Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu actually canceled all the reforms of his predecessor Anatoly Serdyukov. What innovations of Shoigu, in your opinion, should be canceled – Well, let’s wait another 12 years and see what remains – Maybe it’s time to stop holding the International Military Games: tank biathlon, aerial darts? idea [армейских игр] interesting She worked, but she worked under certain peacetime conditions. In wartime conditions, this is probably overkill. But this will be decided by the new minister. He will look at what is needed and what is not needed – During the era of Minister Serdyukov, the concept of cyber-centric warfare appeared in the offices of the Ministry of Defense (very roughly: a doctrine in which the fighter on the battlefield is directly related to the command post – Ed.). Under Shoigu, more attention was paid to the mental war (war of meanings. – Ed.). What kind of war and military doctrine can there be under the new Minister of Defense – As practice has shown, the war still remains the same? That is, these are combat operations in a limited space using various systems and weapons. And that in 1941-1945 (Great Patriotic War – Ed.) and in 1853-1856 (Crimean War – Ed.) it was approximately the same. The possibilities were just different. The essence of the military conflict will remain unchanged. And all the names, for the most part, belong to the bad guy. Many want these names to remain in the annals of history. Not always successful. You can get into history, you can get caught, you can get stuck. We need to work very carefully with this issue. And if you have something to say, then speak, and if you have nothing to say, then it’s better to remain silent – How great is the likelihood of the return of those military leaders who left for various reasons during Shoigu’s time in the Ministry of Defense – Aren “I made these personal decisions and will not accept them. Andres Removic will come, look and assess the situation. If he sees the need to send someone back, I think he will initiate this issue with the president of our country, with the commander in chief. Because all the main leaders are appointed, or dismissed, or transferred by presidential decree on the proposal of the Minister of Defense – You are ready to return if you are called – The Motherland will say – we will do everything that is required for the country. develop, our army became stronger, and our people lived better and happier. — Ksenia Sobchak announced the return of General Sergei Surovikin to Moscow. Does he have the opportunity to take the position of Chief of the General Staff – I have known Sergei Vladimirovich for a long time and know him? He has great potential, but how it will be realized is the decision of the Commander-in-Chief. — Gerasimov [Валерий, начальник Генштаба] Whether he will sit still, I don’t know. Life will show. Today he is fulfilling the tasks assigned to him. He was appointed commander of the group, and he commands it. Today the group is moving forward, which means it is ruling successfully. Problems – they were, will be and always are. Because only from the outside it seems that conducting a military special operation is easy and simple. This is great, challenging work. Will there be mobilization? – Andreo Removic said in one of his interviews that, in his opinion, it is impossible to mobilize society. Is it worth waiting and assuming that the question of general mobilization will arise again? He spoke about the mobilization of society. These are different things. And today, it seems to me, our society is sufficiently mobilized for our army to fulfill its task. Everyone understands what is happening, everyone understands why it is happening. And everyone knows what we should do next – That is, general mobilization is not yet waiting for us – I don’t know how to tell you anymore. And in what words can I explain this to you – Over the years, we have been told many things that definitely should not have happened, and this definitely happened then. Therefore, skepticism is quite understandable – Healthy pessimism is, of course, good. But in order to win, we must believe in our victory – What problems does the Ministry of Defense currently face, what tasks need to be solved first? I mean the need for reforms, a change in the approach to organizing work. – You and I cannot so easily discuss the problems of the Armed Forces in an open format. Moreover, in modern conditions, when we are within the framework of a special military operation, when we are practically at war with the united West, it is not entirely correct to talk about problems in the air now. But I am confident that the new Minister of Defense, whose candidacy was presented to the Federal Council by our President, will cope with these tasks and challenges. That’s why he usually goes there. And the enemy will be defeated, and victory will be ours.

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