what was the main actress of the series “My Fair Nanny” like – May 30, 2024 – Russia today

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It seems that there is not a single person who would see Anastasia Zavorotnyuk sad Source: a_zavorotnyuk/Instagram.com (extremist organization, activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation) This morning began with tragic news – on social media. networks. from actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk that she is no longer with us. The artist fought cancer for five years, but the disease turned out to be stronger. All our relatives, friends and acquaintances hoped to the end that our beautiful nanny would win, and can hardly believe what happened. Fans of the actress cannot find the right words to express the feeling of loss in connection with the departure of the actress, who in a short time became truly popular Source: City portals Beauty with radiant eyes “Glamourous”, “Dear Mother”, “Go Crazy”. !” – these and other phrases quickly became popular among people after they were uttered from the screen by Vika, the heroine of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in the TV series “My Fair Nanny” (6+). The eccentric provincial girl fell in love not only with the wealthy producer Maxim Shatalin, played by Sergei Zhigunov, but with everyone for whom the words “she worked in a store in Biryulyovo” are not an empty phrase. However, Anastasia, perhaps, was the best at charming those around her with her “Beauty, radiant eyes.” When she appeared, it somehow became brighter,” Avangard Leontyev, the course director at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, where the actress studied, said in a conversation with TASS. It’s not even surprising that when Anastasia came to audition for “My Fair Nanny” 20 years ago, the team of the series was ready to immediately give her the main role: among the other 200 applicants, there was no more suitable candidate Source: Mash/T.me Zavorotnyuk was ideal for the role nanny Vicky. And even the fates of the actress and her heroine are largely similar. Anastasia also had to make her way to Moscow, even though she came to the capital not from Mariupol, as the nanny of the people, but from Astrakhan. And she immediately rushed to conquer the Moscow Art Theater School. Anastasia managed to enter the theater university only on her second attempt. But before she had time to finish her studies, she was offered her first role, and immediately the main one: in the film “Mashenka” (0+) by Tamara Pavlyuchenko. True, this role did not bring much fame to the young actress, and for more than 15 years Anastasia was content with small roles in theater and cinema. Until the creators of “My Fair Nanny” appeared on her creative path. After the resounding success of the series, Anastasia began to be offered more and more roles in films, and began to be invited to appear in television shows. At one of them, Zavorotnyuk met the love of her life. Great love of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Anastasia’s path to the one and only one was also not completed. She got married for the first time when she worked at the Tabakerka Theater. There, during one of her vacations, she met businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf, whom she later married. But a year later Zavorotnyuk filed for divorce. According to one version, Schwarzkopf turned out to be a domestic tyrant, according to another – a lack of attention; The businessman himself admitted that he wanted a large family, but he and Anastasia failed to have children, but then he changed his testimony and stated that the reason for the separation was betrayal – allegedly Anastasia had an affair with the owner of a car dealership. Dmitry Stryukov. . Zavorotnyuk really dated Stryukov and was even married. The actress met him while she was driving, and Dmitry took her to the right place without charging a single ruble from the actress. As a token of gratitude, Anastasia invited the man to her performance, and then the casual acquaintance grew into great love. After the wedding, the couple moved to the USA, where they had two children – daughter Anna and son Michael. But Dmitry changed in marriage. As Anastasia’s colleague Liya Volyanskaya later said, he forbade the actress to work, limited her freedom, was aggressive, and attacked. The case again ended in divorce. Sergei Zhigunov, who played the producer in “My Fair Nanny,” also could not resist the charms of his colleague on the set. Such passion flared up between him and Anastasia that the actor divorced his wife in order to throw himself headlong into the pool of new love. But this relationship did not last long, and the matter did not reach the register; Anastasia’s main love was figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev, whom she met in the “Dancing on Ice” project. Velvet Season” (6+). Source: a_zavorotnyuk/Instagram.com (extremist organization, activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation) At first they communicated as friends, but then they could no longer hide from each other that there was something more between them than just friendship. Soon the couple got married, got married and settled in a dacha in Krekshino. “The most incredible ideas are born in your head, and whether they relate to creativity or everyday life, you never deviate from your plans.” path and set everyone around you on fire with your energy,” Anastasia admitted to her husband. “You live at a crazy pace, but you manage to notice life and find pleasure in every day. And may it always be so. Create, inspire, achieve, love, rejoice and be happy. I am incredibly proud of you and truly love everything you do. I’m your biggest fan. You are my strong shoulder Source: a_zavorotnyuk/Instagram.com (extremist organization, activities prohibited in the Russian Federation) Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s children Mikhail and Anna easily found a common language with their mother’s new husband. In 2018, the ringing voice of a new family member was heard in the house. The couple did not hide their happiness from the birth of their common child Source: a_zavorotnyuk/Instagram.com (extremist organization, activities prohibited in the Russian Federation). – Such a gentle, beautiful and warm sun! She loved her daughter madly! Her whole phone was filled with photos of the baby! Nastya’s face changed when she showed them to me! – recalls presenter Anfisa Chekhova. But less than a year later, the ideal world collapsed. Farewell, our beautiful nanny. The family did not talk about the actress’s health problems. Only when one day they noticed a suspicious scar on Anastasia’s neck, as if from a biopsy, rumors spread that she was sick Source: Vera in the know / T.me – April 5, 2019 Zavorotnyuk attended the opening of a Yerevan jewelry store. , after which she disappeared from television screens. They say that the actress was sad all evening, and a scar was noticed on her neck. But no one attached much importance to this. A few months later, it became known that the star had cancer,” write the authors of the “Vera in the know” telegram channel. In 2019, Anastasia’s life turned into an endless struggle with glioblastoma: “She was operated on twice. there were two relapses. Unfortunately, this disease is fatal. Anastasia survived everything,” Petr Chumakov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the cell proliferation laboratory, told our colleagues Woman.ru. “She was treated in Russia and abroad, then turned to us to find out about our therapy. This was several years ago. For five years, the actress’s family and friends prayed for her recovery and until recently did not lose hope that Zavorotnyuk would emerge victorious from this battle. But the years spent with a terrible diagnosis tired the actress. Her heart could not stand it and stopped on the night of May 30th. But this is not the main thing. “The most important thing is that she was the heroine of our entire people,” actor and TV presenter Andrei Urgant told TASS. “All the women, housewives, men, children fell in love with her. She was such a popular housewife, and it’s great that she found this image or the image found her. When artists for years cannot get rid of the image that they once embodied on the screen, they are called actors of one role. This can hardly be said about Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. She simply lived. Farewell, our beautiful nanny – I will always remember Nastya! Beautiful, fragrant, happy, strewn with diamonds and flowers. Subtle, sensual, deep and ironic,” says Anfisa Chekhova. – Have a nice flight, dear. And a new beautiful incarnation. We will really miss you here Source: achekhova/Instagram.com (extremist organization, activities prohibited in the Russian Federation)

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