Water on four Samara beaches failed Rospotrebnadzor inspection

Publication in CHAT: Russia

08.22.2024 10:51 SAMARA. AUGUST 22. LATEST NEWS. Read: 86 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR + Enter From August 16 to 21, unsuitable microbiological water samples from reservoirs were found at four organized beaches in Samara, the regional office of Rospotrebnadzor reports. . . The beaches on the 1st (Leningradskaya St.), 2nd and 4th stages of the embankment, as well as in the Country Park, did not pass the test. Swimming in these reservoirs is not recommended. The quality of the sand meets hygienic requirements. A total of 31 beaches were organized in the Samara Region by August 21. Swimming in reservoirs in unorganized areas is not recommended. Latest news

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