Voronezh volunteers have begun searching for a 15-year-old teenager – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Volunteers from Voronezh have begun searching for 15-year-old Daniil Zhikharev. The teenager was last seen in Semiluki on 9 Yanvarya Street at 8:00 on Saturday, August 31. He had not previously gone missing and does not require medical assistance. The police have asked volunteers for help. This was reported to a RIA Voronezh correspondent by the territorial office of the National Center for Assistance to Missing and Exploited Children on Monday, September 2. Daniil Zhikharev has an average build, short dark hair, and is 190 cm tall. The teenager is wearing blue jeans and a blue square-shaped shirt. Anyone with information about the whereabouts of the missing person is asked to call the following numbers: 8 (900) 306 12 26 or 8 (920) 404 60.00, hotline 8 (800) 700 56 76, or call the police. by calling 102 or the emergency number 112. RIA Voronezh previously reported that volunteers had closed the search for 16-year-old Stella V., who went missing in Semiluki. The girl was found during operational search activities in Voronezh and handed over to the police. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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