Voronezh schools will hold classes for schoolchildren – Russia today

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The implementation of the regional project “Charging Schools” was discussed at a weekly operational meeting in the regional government, which took place on Monday, June 24. This will contribute to the popularization of physical activity among schoolchildren, the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, and will also contribute to the harmonious development of children’s personality. Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Voronezh Region Pavel Chibisov said that this is being done as part of the project. it is planned to create a teaching staff from the most prepared schoolchildren, as well as students who are members of school sports sections, reports the press service of the regional government – thanks to this, older children will be able to pass on their knowledge and inspire younger students. Classes will be held in classrooms, recreation areas, school gyms and school sports fields equipped with multimedia equipment. The plans include the development and distribution of materials containing a set of morning physical exercises: methodological recommendations, videos, information posters aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, said Pavel Chibisov. The project also aims to reduce the risk of disease among students. The Minister of Health of the Voronezh Region, Igor Banin, recalled that preventive medical examinations of minors are carried out annually in the region. Press service of the regional government – In 2023, the coverage of children was 96.3%. In the structure of morbidity among persons under 14 years of age, diseases of the musculoskeletal system occupy 6th place, the proportion of which is 3.2%. At the age of 15-17 years, the share of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is already 8.3% and ranks 4th. It is during the school period that the number of children with behavioral disorders increases, maximum in adolescence, the minister emphasized. The governor approved the project, instructing that its implementation and the mechanism for conducting exercises be carefully considered so that all students could do it. Study in comfort The events were also discussed at a planning meeting in the region as part of the Year of the Family, declared by President Vladimir Putin. Details are in the material of RIA Voronezh. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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