Von der Leyen’s trade policy will lead France to disaster • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The commercial policy pursued by the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is destroying France. The head of the French Patriotic Party, Florian Philippot, spoke about this in his personal blog. – The EU is killing us! On December 18, Ursula proudly announced that she was signing a new EU free trade agreement, this time with Kenya, the politician wrote. According to him, the French agricultural sector is threatened by an explosion in flower exports from Kenya, which on the French market will cost much less than domestic plants. Filippo is convinced that such a situation will bring the country’s agriculture to its knees, RIA Novosti reports. Previously, Filippo said that a new reduction for Ukraine is ruin for the European Union. Because of such waste, France should leave the EU. Previously, the politician noted that von der Leyen wants the death of European countries that contribute to Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, including France. Florian Philippot also criticized Ursula von der Leyen after she announced the 12th package of sanctions against the Russian Federation. He noted that the previous 11 packages did not weaken the Russian Federation at all. On the contrary, they had an extremely negative impact on Western countries.

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