“Volga seasons” apply to the entire Volga region. – Russia today

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06/07/2024 10:00 SAMARA. JUNE 7. LAST NEWS. Read: 8 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter The gastronomic festival “Volga Seasons” has started in the Samara region – this is a love for local products, that same Volga atmosphere and familiar tastes. to every Volga resident from childhood. The festival originates in Samara. In 2021, the Polyana restaurant decided to create a local culinary festival, seeing that dishes prepared from local products were in great demand among guests. Over the course of 4 years, the festival has spread throughout the Volga region, and the number of participants includes about 50 concepts. The festival included such Volga region cities as Togliatti and Zhigulevsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Ulyanovsk. Every year the festival map expands and the number of guests increases. The Volga seasons popularize the Volga region as a tourism destination, and also contribute to the preservation of the traditions of Volga hospitality, rethinking it in a new way. The food and drink at the gastro festival uses local products, local specialties and cooking techniques. In combination with the creative approach of the best chefs of the Volga region, unique dishes and flavor combinations are born at the intersection of local products and world gastronomic traditions. So, in the restaurant “Where We Are Not” they came up with “Volga jam”, “Dom Nino” prepared cutlets with crayfish tails, and in “Patari” and “Pakhvali” you can try gooseberry pie. The festival successfully cooperates with local farmers and producers, and promotes the establishment of commercial ties between industry and the tourism and hospitality sectors. Such a rethinking and a fresh look at local gastronomy allowed the festival to gain popularity not only among Volga residents, but also outside the region, forming a unique image and brand of a new gastronomic, Volga, culture. Last news

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