Vladimir Uyba thanked the participants of the Northern Military District from Vuktyl for their courage and heroism.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Vladimir Uyba thanked the participants of the Northern Military District from Vuktyl for courage and heroism. Vladimir Uyba thanked the participants of the Northern Military District from Vuktyl for courage and heroism. The head of Komi, Vladimir Uyba, during a working trip to the city district, presented state awards – medals “For Courage” and medals “For “fidelity to duty” to the residents of Vuktyla, who honorably fulfilled their military and civil duty to protect the Motherland in a special military operation, reports the press service of the head of the region, region. . “Today, during a special military operation, Russia is defending its sovereignty, the present and future of our children and grandchildren, the future of our civilization. We will definitely win this battle, because the Truth is behind us and God is with us!” Vladimir Uyba addressed the residents of Vuktyl. Today we are not at war with Ukraine and not with Ukrainians, but we are at war with NATO shepherds and Nazis, who were brought up on the idea of ​​​​annihilation and suppression of all dissent. Today we are fighting for our land and for our people. Unfortunately, war does not happen without losses. And many of our people did not return from the fields. Eternal memory to them.” Participants in the ceremony observed a minute of silence in memory of the defenders of the Motherland who died in the special military operation. The head of Komi addressed the director of school No. 2 named after Gennady Viktorovich Kravchenko, the wife of the officer who is now participating in the special operation, Olga Voronina: “Dear Vladimir Viktorovich, I want to thank you for taking this personally. take care of our military in the Northern Military District and support families. This is remarkable and important. I will say what we – wives, mothers, children – feel. We fear for our loved ones and wait for them to return home. with victory. I would also like to address our participants in the special military operation who are now in this room. You are our heroes. We – teachers, wives, children, mothers, residents of the city – are proud of you. who still has to return to the front – take care of yourself, come back alive. We are waiting for you!” As Olga Voronina noted, in kindergartens and schools in Vuktyl, teachers try to surround the children of SVO participants with care and attention. In addition, schoolchildren of the city took part in the “Write to a Hero” campaign and wrote letters to the front. The letters were handed over to the Head of the Komi Republic, he will give them to the military the next time he comes to them “for the ribbon.” Vladimir Uyba also promised to fulfill the request of Olga Voronina, the wife of the commander of the mortar battery, to transfer the UAZ vehicle to the front to ensure the transportation of personnel, uninterrupted supply of ammunition and food. “I would like to congratulate all the recipients on their well-deserved awards and say that these awards represent the pride of the whole country for you, the pride of the republic, Vuktyl, every resident. And we are absolutely sure that Victory will be ours. , and all our men will fulfill their military service with honor. We help our guys with the whole world, and we will fulfill this order for a UAZ car. We regularly transfer vehicles to the front. And we will see this through to the end. Victory and complete defeat of the neo-Nazis. Victory will be ours!” – said Vladimir Uzhba. The Medal “For Courage” was established by the Commander-in-Chief of Russia, President of the country Vladimir Putin in March 2023. It is awarded for courage and heroism shown in carrying out a military mission, in saving and preserving the lives of their comrades and commanders. The Medal “For Fidelity to Duty” was established in the Komi Republic almost simultaneously with the Medal “For Courage”. It is awarded to defenders for courage. loyalty to the duty of Russia, to one’s small Motherland – the Komi Republic, for loyalty to the Motherland.*** By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, for courage and bravery shown in battles and other operations to protect the Interests of the Motherland and the state of the Russian Federation, the medal “For Courage”, 2nd degree awarded: reserve soldier Andrey Ivanovich Brosev, reservist Ruslan Grigorievich Kholyavka. By decree of the Head of the Komi Republic for courageous and decisive actions in performing For civic duty the medal of the Komi Republic “For Loyalty to Duty” was awarded to: reserve private Andrey Ivanovich Brosev, reserve private Ruslan Grigorievich Kholyavka.

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