Komi Governor Vladimir Uyba posted a shocking post on his page in the Telegram channel. In it, the head of the region was forced to express the shameful truth that public transport drivers refuse to put patriotic stickers with Z symbols – “For ours!”, “For Victory” and others on their cars. The carriers explained the refusal: they are afraid that the windows will be broken.
As it turned out, the governor communicates a lot with the guys who, after the front line, come home on leave or are treated at a veterans hospital. And all of them are touched by the attitude of their fellow countrymen.
“Do we have two countries? Why do you and your children continue to go to discos, why do you celebrate and dance, walk and have fun? We are dying at this time! Why, when we come back, there is not a single banner in the city with our defenders of the Fatherland, from the Komi Republic?” – relays a conversation with Uiba fighters.
He admits that he has nothing to answer, because they are right. The administration supports business, which in the dashing 90s captured all the advertising platforms of the republic, including its capital Syktyvkar. Once the head of the region asked to hang out one single banner dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland, at least for 20 days. The entrepreneur agreed. The banner hung for exactly 20 days and not a day more.
“And this advertiser lives among us. And we say to him: “Hello, dear, respected!” He is not respected at all and he is not expensive at all. Because he is not a patriot or a citizen of Russia. For him, profit is more important,” noted the head of the region.
Uiba gave instructions to government agencies to hang up signs: “For ours,” “For Russia,” “For Victory,” but they never appeared.
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