Vice President of the Ecology Committee Visited Taganrog – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

State Duma deputy, deputy chairman of the committee on ecology, natural resources and environmental protection Alexander Kogan visited Taganrog. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the landfill reclamation project on Nikolaevskoe Highway. This was reported by the Telegram channel of the head of the administration. “We visited the site and talked to the contractor. Let me remind you that the landfill has existed for more than 50 years and is now officially closed for reclamation under the Ecology project at the expense of federal and regional budgets. Unfortunately, the work is underway.” The visit only touched on the problem of the landfill. The ecology of the city’s small rivers, as well as the ecology of the air in Kasperovka, were not discussed. Egor Belov Previously reported: Taganrog coastal protection: problems and successful solutions 1898 News. about Bloknot-Daganrog

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