Vegetables whose usefulness is evident only in their finished form were named by a nutritionist • Russia today

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Nutritionist Alexandra Razarenova listed vegetables and fruitsthat need to be subjected heat treatmentto get the most out of them.

Tomatoes must first boil. “When tomatoes are heated, their cell walls are destroyed, allowing better absorb lycopene “an antioxidant that helps protect the body from cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and is also very beneficial for the male reproductive system,” the specialist said in an interview with radio “Satellite”.

Heat treatment of tomatoes also increases the content carotenoids And flavonoids. But tomatoes should only be cooked a couple or over low heat, as high heat may destroy some of the nutrients.

The same goes for carrots, spinach, garlic And apples. Their nutritional value increases during cooking. “When carrots are cooked, they release more carotene, which helps preserve vision and strengthen the immune system. When you cook spinach, the bioavailability of iron in this food increases, which helps prevent anemia. And garlic, if crushed and heated, contains allicin and is released, which helps fight infections,” says the specialist.

Baked apples release more pectin than fresh ones. Baked fruits help improve bowel function and lower cholesterol levels.

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