United Russia has organized a council of primary party branches — Vkurse.ru

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Its first meeting will be held on September 19, 2024. At a meeting of the General Council of United Russia chaired by Dmitry Medvedev, a council of primary party branches was formed. Its first meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2024. Photo: United Russia Secretaries of party branches and activists are the backbone of the party, as they work directly on the ground and solve important party and state problems. They are best informed about the problems of the territories, noted Dmitry Medvedev. The council should become a platform for secretaries to discuss their ideas and propose them to the leadership of United Russia. “It is necessary to convey these proposals to colleagues at the city, regional and federal levels without bureaucratic red tape,” Dmitry Medvedev emphasized. The head of the Central Election Commission of United Russia Alexander Sidyakin announced the composition of the council of primary branches. The branches will be regularly updated to attract more participants. The first composition of the council included 54% men, 46% women, 30% young people and seven participants in a special military operation. In total, United Russia has 86 thousand primary branches, added Alexander Sidyakin. Since the end of 2022, a systematic restart of the primary level has been underway, noted the head of the party’s Central Election Commission. “Personnel certification was carried out, new formats of strategic sessions and forums of secretaries of primary departments were introduced, which are now held on a systematic basis. A personnel competition was held for secretaries of primary departments, the so-called “bench” of reserves was held. Grant support for the primary level is being implemented. Educational projects for secretaries of primary branches have been launched on the basis of our Higher Party School,” shared From the Perm Territory, the secretary of the primary branch “No. 38”. local branch of United Russia in Solikamsk District, deputy of the Solikamsk urban district, took part in a meeting of the General Council. At the suggestion of the President of United Russia, 2024 was declared the Year of Primary Branches of the Party. spoke at the XXI Congress of the party in December last year. During the year, the party is actively engaged in training secretaries of primary branches. Training will be conducted at the Higher Party School. It is also planned to introduce an updated system of motivation and career growth of employees. Every year, United Russia organizes a competition of socially significant initiatives of primary industries. The winners receive grants for the improvement of public spaces, the construction of children’s and sports grounds, the implementation of socially significant projects, support for creative associations and other important events. In the Perm Territory, there are 1,425 primary branches, which include more than 23 thousand party members and about 13 thousand party members. Secretaries and members of primary branches participate in election campaigns as candidates, campaigners and observers. This year, party activists of the primary branches actively participated in the pre-vote procedure of the party in the status of pre-voting candidates and voters, noted the first deputy secretary of the regional branch of the party Vyacheslav Grigoriev from among the members of the primary branch. branches also feel like they are helping our guys on the front lines. Party members help to form humanitarian aid and participate in its delivery to the area of ​​the special military operation. They organize events to write letters to the front lines, weave camouflage nets, make “dry showers” and trench candles,” said Vyacheslav Grigoriev. Every year, the regional branch of the party holds a competition for primary and local branches. The winners receive certificates of honor. the opportunity to implement their projects, organize events with the participation of local residents and buy party equipment.

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