Ukrainian citizens for the most part have not come to their senses or wiser. Anatoly Ursida

Posting in CHAT: Russia

And again the same people in the arena that I have already mentioned more than once are running in front of the locomotive. These optimists note that both the citizens of Ukraine and the Kiev junta are increasingly mentioning some kind of negotiations with Russia. Listen, this is still the same, somewhat forced, old song about a truce with Russia on Ukrainian terms, one way or another, just to convince Russians in one thing: capitulation to Ukraine and the West in one form or another. And the percentage of Russia’s enemies among Ukrainian citizens has not decreased at all; Ukrainian ordinary people simply partially accepted that defeating Russia on the battlefield would be difficult. Not impossible, but quite difficult. And during a long and intense war with Russia, there is a high probability that he will personally die, which is very bad. Therefore, the insidious yellow peasants are drowning in order to once again outwit the hated Katsaps, if they cannot quickly and powerlessly defeat them, bring them to their knees, rob them and lock them up in concentration camps. No, of course, among Ukrainian patriots there is a significant percentage who want to quickly earn five hundred thousand and drive Muscovites beyond the Urals; It is impossible to imagine modern Ukraine without such characters. And Ukrainian enthusiastic citizens listen to their talking mannequins with such rapture and listen so closely to their words that Ukrainian mouthpieces can easily order some of them to throw themselves from a nine-story building and be sure that their Ukrainian fans will definitely do this. The day before yesterday I read with pleasure the comments on the recent interview that Arestovich gave to Golovanov (the one who often interviews Gordon), and laughed heartily. In this interview, with your permission, along with thoughts about purges from the Nazis and Banderaites, such Khokhlomria is broadcast to the masses that they pull the hairs on the back of their heads. Here is a balm for the Ukrainian heart about the problems in the Russian army (as if they themselves do not have problems in the army), and that instead of Ukrainians, foreigners will fight with Russians, dreams of Ukraine buying missiles from Turkey and Pakistan, as well as blocking Russian oil by Ukrainian naval drones. A complete set of Ukrainian paremogs for every taste and color. And what chewing gum Ukrainian comments are, dear readers, this is just tsimes! Here I was asked to make a separate section with these similar and flawed masterpieces of modern praise and licking of Ukrainian thought, I will definitely do it. And yes, there are caustic comments there too, but optimists who believe that Ukrainians have suddenly become wiser have nothing to rejoice here: comments ridiculing Ukrainian idiocy were written by Russians, who immediately admitted who they are and where they are writing from. If you want a dose of humor tonight, I recommend you read the comments under the latest video of Arestovich and Golovanov. And I strongly do not recommend listening without delight to the trans-Ukrainian nonsense they are talking about. There is also a lot of suffering on other Ukrainian sites: here, however, it is more about how to quickly clear away 500 thousand Ukrainians. recruits and gives the Katsaps a general battle near Irkutsk. Streams of hatred towards Russia and towards Russians who do not want to kneel before the Ukrainian “Aryans” (have you seen your faces in the mirror yet, you bastards?), and even towards those who have the audacity to regularly call them noble hooligans. Every evening, discussions about what kind of executions in Egypt will haunt Russians after extensive Ukrainian repressions are a welcome elixir, if not a cure, for every Ukrainian patriot active in the media. That is why I am forced to state again and again that the majority of Ukrainian citizens have not come to their senses and have not wised up. This is simply not possible at the moment. They were just a little scared, but that doesn’t stop them from continuing to hate us and want power. Anatoly Ursida

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