Two Ukrainian kamikaze drones attacked Belgorod, there were casualties

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Two kamikaze drones attacked Belgorod. This was reported by the governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov. He added that one person was injured. He was hospitalized. — As a result of the attack by one UAV, a man was injured — he had an open wound on his thigh. He was taken by ambulance to the regional clinical hospital. (Doctors assess his condition as satisfactory,” Gladkov noted. The governor also reported that the drone fell on the canopy of a social facility. The roof and facade of the building were damaged by shrapnel. At 19:18, Gladkov reported that the Missile threat was launched across the region. At 19:50 on June 26, a Ukrainian Armed Forces drone attacked the parking lot of the Graivoron hospital. On the night of June 25, air defense systems destroyed 29 Ukrainian drones. over the Belgorod region In addition, one UAV was destroyed over the territory of the Voronezh region. As a result of shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces of the city of Shebekino, an administrative building was completely destroyed by fire. This was reported by Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov. June 25.

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