Two drug dealers detained in Samara region – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

07.28.2024 12:07 SAMARA. JULY 28. LATEST NEWS. Read: 274 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR + Enter In the Volzhsky and Pokhvistnevsky districts of the Samara region, police officers detained local residents on suspicion of growing drug-containing plants. Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Samara Region Thus, in the Volzhsky district, 47 hemp bushes were found on a 36-year-old local resident’s plot. The previously convicted suspect explained that he grew them for himself and did not plan to sell them. The second botany enthusiast was caught in the Pokhvistnevsky district. In his home, in a closet, there was a greenhouse for illegal plants. There were 19 hemp bushes found there, as well as dried and prepared drugs. A total of 150 grams of marijuana were seized. The previously convicted man also claimed that he had no intention of selling the harvest. Criminal cases have been opened against both suspects. Latest news

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