Two dilapidated houses have begun to be demolished in Perm

Posting in CHAT: Russia

They are located in the Ordzhonikidze district. In Perm, demolition of two dilapidated houses in the Ordzhonikidze district has begun. 36 people from these houses were relocated. They received monetary compensation or other housing, the press service of the mayor’s office reported. Photo: archive “In the Ordzhonikidze district, urgent demolition of two residential buildings has begun on Levshinskaya Street, 43 and 45. The demolition has begun. . houses are carried out by collapsing with the help of special equipment,” the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Perm Administration reported. The two-story residential building at 43 Levshinskaya Street was built in 1990 and housed 29 people. And the house on Levshinskaya Street 41 was built in 1955, only 7 people lived in it. The mayor’s office also reported that the demolition of unsafe houses No. 34 and No. 35 on Levshinskaya Street has been completed. They had 11 living quarters and housed 23 people. Earlier, the portal reported that a 10-story building was built in Perm for displaced people from emergency housing.

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