TSU has confirmed its competencies in RosAccreditation • Russia today

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The reliability of Togliatti State University (TSU) research in the field of ecology is confirmed by the Federal Accreditation Service. The Scientific-Analytical Center for Physico-Chemical and Environmental Research (NAC) of TSU for the third time confirmed its competence in the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation). The center includes the only mobile eco-laboratory in the Volga Federal District, which is engaged in a comprehensive study of the composition of atmospheric air in Togliatti, the results of which are immediately reflected in the Environmental Atlas of Togliatti on the city’s website. administration. The protocols of the TSU National Center based on the results of the analysis of water, air and soil samples still have legal force. “Confirmation of the competence of the National Center is a guarantee of the reliability and validity of the tests and research that we conduct. For residents of Togliatti, the issue of air quality remains important. For TSU, confirmation of competence is both a matter of reputation and expansion of the scope of work performed for partners, including the city administration,” said Pavel Melnikov, director of the TSU Institute of Chemistry and Energy. According to the director of the National Center of TSU, Tatyana Zimina, preparations for the test are underway. Competency testing began in 2021. Over the past two years, there have been major changes in regulatory legislation and the requirements for competency testing have become much stricter. “The examination to expand the scope of accreditation consisted of two stages: at the first stage, the documents of the management system and the technical base of the center were checked; in the second, an expert group assessed the competence of the center’s employees and their leadership abilities. tests We successfully completed the assigned tasks. On November 29, 2023, an order was issued confirming the competence of the National Center and expanding the scope of accreditation to 108 types of analysis of environmental objects,” says Tatyana Zimina. The issuance of a certificate from the Federal Accreditation Service means the technical competence of the testing laboratory in the declared area of ​​accreditation. The laboratory is included in the national register of accredited persons, where each manufacturer of products subject to certification or declaration can confirm its presence. , continuous work of internal laboratory control is carried out, internal audits of the management system are carried out, instrument maintenance and verification of measuring instruments are carried out annually in metrological services accredited by Rosaccreditation. The next test to confirm competence will take place in 2 years,” explains Tatyana Zimina. NAC works at various points with leading companies in Tolyatti. For example, with PJSC KuibyshevAzot on environmental control of the sanitary protection zone of the plant, with Federal-Mogul Powertrain Vostok LLC on monitoring technological processes to maintain product quality. The client of the scientific and analytical center in the field of environmental control of environmental objects is also Ekovozservice LLC. In addition to current tasks, NAC is working on promising projects. One of the areas is the joint actions of TSU with participants of the environmental-industry consortium to create an environmental digital twin of the city. It will be able to provide dynamic data on emissions at all enterprises in the city, taking into account the wind rose. This information will allow inspection and control authorities to localize the source of emissions and improve the environmental situation in Togliatti. Companies will be able to regulate technological capabilities online, and citizens, taking into account the environmental situation, will be able to plan walks and sports in the fresh air without harm to health.

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