Tornadoes are increasingly common in Russia – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

There is widespread information that a tornado is expected in Moscow by Friday. The chief specialist of the Phobos Meteorological Center, Evgeny Tishkovets, refutes this fact: most likely, it will not be a dangerous natural phenomenon. They will predict in a matter of minutes” I will tell you a secret – today our science does not have the ability to predict, namely two days in advance, such unique, very rare weather processes that are related to tornadoes or twisters. – Tishkovets explained: “Even the advanced American meteorological service, which ate the dog with these tornadoes and hurricanes, will not be able to do this. A good result is considered to be the prediction of a tornado or twister several dozen minutes in advance, so that the population, having received a warning, has time to take the necessary food, documents, water and hide in basements to survive. ” Tornadoes have occurred in Moscow twice in a hundred years. However, the occurrence of tornadoes has its own natural prerequisites. Now the meteorologist does not see them in an acute form, that is, one should not expect such a dangerous natural phenomenon on Friday. Yes, there will be rain and thunderstorms, but clearly not a tornado. Although, the meteorologist agrees, tornadoes have become much more common in Russia. “For our country, of course, the frequency of tornadoes has clearly increased in recent years,” says Evgeny Tishkovets. “But in general, they are very rare. In Moscow, if you look at history, over 100 years there have been, I think, two or three times directly in the capital. But in the regions, of course, they have become more common. This is an abnormal phenomenon for central Russia,” the meteorologist continues. Two tornadoes in a hundred years is not much statistics. But at the same time, one of the tornadoes that went down in history hit the city quite recently: on June 20 of this year. Before that, on June 20, there was also a phenomenon similar to a tornado, but in 1998 – then the elements tore off the roof of the Bolshoi Theater. A powerful tornado hit Moscow on June 19 (26), 1904 – up to a hundred people died and entire residential areas were destroyed. The south-eastern sector of Moscow suffered the most. At the same time, the meteorologist claims that the appearance of a tornado can be facilitated by the heat, which has been holding in the capital for almost a week. “What influences the occurrence of a tornado? At the very least, the presence of a thunderstorm. And for a thundercloud to form, very strong convection is necessary. The higher the temperature in your kettle in the kitchen, the hotter the water boils and when it reaches the boiling point, the lid begins to come off. Well, roughly the same thing happens in the atmosphere. Evaporation increases, that is, the atmosphere is saturated with water vapor. If the atmosphere is dry, there will be neither a thundercloud nor a tornado, water vapor is needed,” Tishkovets summarizes. The heat and humidity after the last thunderstorm is exactly what we have now. The sweltering heat breaks the record: when will the heat subside? According to the expert, next Thursday will be the peak of this summer – 30-degree heat, which will last for 5 days. In the middle of the day, the thermometer will reach the highest mark of this season +32…+34 degrees. “The record for July 4 belongs to 1938, when it was +33.7. And, although in July there will still be very hot and dry characteristics characteristic of the peak of summer, such heat, and especially record-breaking, will most likely not be repeated this summer, since the positive deviation of air temperature from the norm will gradually be . reduced,” added Tishkovets. And in the first half of Friday, although the air will have time to warm up to +30 degrees, already in the afternoon and on Saturday evening, with the passage of a cold atmospheric front, up to 21-26 mm of precipitation and more will fall. so that the capital may account for up to 1/3 of the monthly norm. On the first free day, with the onset of daylight, the weather will clear up and it will be easier to breathe. In the morning +14…+16, in the afternoon it will cool down to +22…+24. On Sunday, clear and windless weather is expected in the center of the anticyclone. At night +11…+13, in the afternoon +25…+27. “Next week, a lot of sun is expected, in the afternoon it will be +25…+30. However, it is unlikely that the thermometer will forever go beyond the “+30” mark, and there will be no more heat records. Thus, July 4 will be the highest temperature of this summer! After that, the process of very slow, but “weakening” will begin. In addition, according to meteorological statistics, if June and July turn out to be several degrees warmer than the climatic norm in a row, as is happening this season, then the third month of summer in almost 80% of cases will not surprise, but will pass smoothly. , with moderate and moderate August heat,” the specialist says. Elderly people, children and pregnant women are asked to stay home Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin warns Muscovites about abnormal heat. The mayor asks citizens of especially dangerous age to stay home during these days and not risk their health. “Dear residents and guests of our city! Tomorrow in Moscow it will still be very hot. <...> During these hours, it is recommended that elderly people, pregnant women and children do not go outside if possible. City services are currently operating in an improved mode,” Sergei Sobyanin writes on his Telegram channel. On Thursday, drinking water will be distributed at metro stations where the temperature exceeds the norm, as well as at some MCD stations, train stations and places of regular river-electric transport.

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