Top 3 secrets to avoid buying liquid instead of a juicy watermelon – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

With the first days of August, Taganrog is filled with the spirit of real summer – after all, it is at this time that the season of the juiciest and sweetest watermelons and melons begins. These bright, aromatic fruits have long become a symbol of warm days, childhood memories and unforgettable picnics in nature. The taste of a ripe watermelon oozing with sweet juice and the honey aroma of a cold melon immediately transfer us to the carefree summer days of childhood, when you want to enjoy every piece and share this joy with loved ones. This August promises to give us those unforgettable moments that the residents of our city are waiting for every year. How to choose the perfect watermelon? Watermelon is not only tasty, but also a storehouse of nutrients. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, follow these simple tips: 1. Pay attention to the peel: A ripe watermelon should have a smooth and shiny skin. The color of the shell is rich green with contrasting stripes. If the skin of a watermelon is discolored or dull, it may be underripe. 2. Check the spot on the side: There should be a yellow spot on the watermelon – this is where the fruit has been lying on the ground and ripening in the sun. The more intense the yellow, the better. A white spot indicates a lack of sun and probably not enough ripeness. 3. Tap the watermelon. When tapped, a ripe watermelon makes a dull, ringing sound. If the sound seems muffled or muffled, the watermelon may be overripe or watery. How to choose a juicy melon? Melon is another summer favorite. To choose the most flavorful and sweet fruit, follow these guidelines: 1. Assess the aroma: A ripe melon should have a rich, sweet aroma. If there is no smell or it is weak, the fruit is probably not ripe yet. 2. Check the rind: The rind should be slightly soft to the touch, especially in the area near the stem. Too hard skin is a sign of immaturity, and the grid or pattern on the skin should be clear and distinct. 3. Pay attention to the sound: As with a watermelon, tap the melon. A ripe melon makes a muffled, but not ringing sound. Too loud a sound may mean that the melon is not ripe enough. Where is the best place to buy watermelons and melons? We recommend buying watermelons and melons at trusted markets, from reliable suppliers or in large chain stores. In addition, it is important to remember the storage rules. Watermelons and melons are recommended to be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator, and not cut in advance to preserve the aroma. Now is the best time to enjoy juicy and sweet fruits that bring not only pleasure, but also health benefits. Have a good choice and bon appetit! Renat Agabekyan Previously reported: Embankment improvement in Taganrog: what to expect4013 News on Bloknot-Taganrog

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