Tomsk powerlifters won gold and silver at the international tournament

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Dmitry Kandinsky / Athletes from the Tomsk region won gold and silver medals at the international powerlifting tournament in Yekaterinburg, reports the regional department of youth policy, physical culture and sports. The competition in the capital of the Sverdlovsk region “Community of Nations” started on November 10 and should end on the 19th. Athletes from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, China, Georgia, Armenia and Cote d’Ivoire participate in them. In total, about 520 athletes came to the competition. According to the results of the competition, Tomsk residents managed to win two medals. Aisha Akhadova became the winner among girls under 18 years old in the “69 kilograms” category. The girl trains under the guidance of Ekaterina Lyashevskaya. Another award was won by Semyon Bogdan, who became second in the “66 kilograms” age category. . Coach Alexander Obukhovich prepared the athlete for the tournament. Earlier it was reported that Tomsk residents won seven medals at the strength championship of the Siberian Federal District, which was held in Abakan. In March, Tomsk powerlifter Sergei Usov updated the Russian record by pressing 383 kilograms in the weight category over 120 kilograms at the championship in Yekaterinburg.

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