tired soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are addicted to energy drinks – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Tired soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are addicted to energy drinks, writes the American newspaper The New York Times. The author of the material notes that Ukraine is now “experiencing the most difficult moment since the first months of the confrontation.” According to the publication, some local companies have organized the production of energy drinks, focusing on selling products among the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is reflected in advertising. Thus, patriotic slogans are placed on tin cans. This is explained by the fact that sales of drinks, many of which contain large amounts of caffeine, are growing. “New varieties are emerging with flavors such as cotton, cactus and even hemp,” the article says. It was previously reported that in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, German volunteers are engaged in the distribution of drugs and psychotropic substances.

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