This was stated by the Russian representative to international organizations in Vienna.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Finland’s entry into NATO did not bring benefits, but created difficult prospects due to the possible impact on it in the event of a conflict between the alliance and Russia. This was noted by the permanent representative of Russia to international organizations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to his statement, previously relations between Helsinki and Moscow were characterized by friendship and neighborliness, but with the country’s entry into the alliance, Russia had to take countermeasures. He explained that it was decided to create two military districts – Leningrad and Moscow. Now, according to the diplomat, if tensions increase, Finland may be the first to suffer.

In addition, he emphasized that Finland has entered into an agreement with the United States on military cooperation, providing for the possibility of placing American military bases on its territory. Ulyanov noted that this represents a serious challenge.

This was stated by the Russian representative to international organizations in Vienna.

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